字符类型用英语怎么说 字符类型英语翻译

生活学习2024-04-16 15:03:30喵小咪

字符类型英语有两种说法,可以翻译为 Textual,还网络中常译为"character types",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到49个与字符类型相关译文和例句。

Unicode Stng CHAR NCHAR VARCHAR NVARCHAR character data type ( 字符数据类型 )

字符类型用英语怎么说 字符类型英语翻译

1. These stng types are included in parts of. Adm files that are meant to be excluded by the "iF VERSiON" construct.


2. Structal Suyping (duck typing) using type inference and anonymous types.
