rhus punjabensis是什么意思 rhus punjabensis的中文翻译、读音、例句

今日资讯2023-10-06 08:41:17book

rhus punjabensis的意思是”旁遮普麸杨”,其次还有”旁遮普麸杨”的意思,在线读音是[rhuspunjabensis],rhus punjabensis来源于英语,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到42个与rhus punjabensis相关的例句。

rhus punjabensis是什么意思 rhus punjabensis的中文翻译、读音、例句

Rhus punjabensis的词典翻译


例句:The chromosome observation on 4 species in the genus Rhus. (几种盐肤木属植物的染色体观察。)


rhus punjabensis一般作为名词使用,如在Rhus punjabensis(n. 旁遮普麸杨)、punjabensis([网络] 旁遮普麸杨;巴基斯坦鲑口波鱼;巴基斯坦无须魮)、rhus(n. [植]漆树)等常见短语中出现较多。

Rhus punjabensis n. 旁遮普麸杨
punjabensis [网络] 旁遮普麸杨;巴基斯坦鲑口波鱼;巴基斯坦无须魮
rhus n. [植]漆树
genus Rhus [网络] 漆树属
Rhus aromatica [医] 香葛藤
rhus aromaticas [医] 香葛藤\n(rhus aromatica 的复数)
Rhus caustica [医] 苛性葛
Rhus chinensis 盐肤木
Rhus copallina [网络] 托翼盐肤木;光叶盐肤木
rhus copallinas [网络] 托翼盐肤木;光叶盐肤木\n(rhus copallina 的复数)


1. Correlativity of the Formation Effect of Horned Gall to the Order Number of Compound Leaf of Rhus chinensis (翻译:角倍蚜干母致瘿率与盐肤木复叶序数的相关性)

2. Common examples include Rhus chinensis, Rhus hypoleuca, Rhus succedanea Alocasia cucullata, Alocasia macrorrhiza, Colocasia esculenta and Excocaria agallocha. (翻译:常见例子有盐肤木、白背漆、野漆树、假海芋、海芋、芋及海漆。)

3. Finally, in large Rhus typhina tree breeding, will affect the economic, social or unable to meet demand, control measures can be taken. (翻译:最后提出,在火炬树大量繁殖后并影响经济效益、社会效益或不能满足人们要求时,可以采取的控制措施。)

4. It is then concluded that Rhus chinensis adapts to the karst drought environment with protection type. (翻译:这些特征表明,盐肤木采用以保护型为主的多种方式适应岩溶干旱环境。)

5. True lacquer is the purified and dehydrated sap of the Rhus vernicifera tree, native to ChIna and cultivated In Japan. (翻译:真漆是指将从漆树取出的树液纯化和脱水后取得。漆树产于中国,之后移植日本。)

6. True lacquer is the purified and dehydrated sap of the Rhus vernicifera tree, native to ChIna and cultivated In Japan. (翻译:真漆是指将从漆树取出的树液纯化和脱水后取得。漆树产于中国,之后移植日本。)

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