microprogrammed instrument是什么意思 microprogrammed instrument的中文翻译、

今日资讯2023-10-10 08:11:13book

microprogrammed instrument的中文解释是”计、仪”,还有微程序控制的仪器的意思,读音为[microprogrammedinstrument],microprogrammed instrument在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到73个与microprogrammed instrument相关的句子。

microprogrammed instrument是什么意思 microprogrammed instrument的中文翻译、

Microprogrammed instrument的释义


例句:Violinist Sirena Huang gives a technically brilliant and emotionally nuanced performance. In a charming interlude, the 11-year-old praises the timeless design of her instrument. (Violinist Sirena Huang gives a technically brilliant and emotionally nuanced performance. In a charming interlude, the 11-year-old praises the timeless design of her instrument.)


例句:This beautiful, wonderful instrument has a special value. (这家迷人的, 奇妙的乐器, 具有特殊的价值。)


例句:She considers herself, you know, an instrument. (她把自己想成是… 一样工具 这么说,所有裸戏她都同意演出了)


microprogrammed instrument一般作为名词使用,如在microprogrammed([计] 由微程序控制的)、microprogrammed compiler(微程序化编译器)、microprogrammed computer([计] 微程序控制计算机)等常见短语中出现较多。

microprogrammed [计] 由微程序控制的
microprogrammed compiler 微程序化编译器
microprogrammed computer [计] 微程序控制计算机
microprogrammed control [计] 微程序控制管理
microprogrammed cpu 微程序化的中央处理器
microprogrammed diagnostics 微程序规划诊断
microprogrammed emulator [计] 微程序控制的仿真器
microprogrammed firmware [计] 微程序控制固件
microprogrammed implementation [计] 微程序实现


1. She considers herself, you know, an instrument. (翻译:她把自己想成是… 一样工具 这么说,所有裸戏她都同意演出了)

2. But, as you well know, oftentimes the good lord expects us to be the instrument of his will. (翻译:但是 你应该知道 But, as you well know, 通常 上帝想要我们 oftentimes the good lord expects us 帮他实现愿望 to be the instrument of his will.)

3. Lord, make me your instrument of peace. (翻译:{\2cH0080FF}主 {\2cH0080FF}让我成为你手中的傀儡吧)

4. My body is your instrument. (翻译:我的身体是您的工具 My body is your instrument.)

5. It was hard on the cats, but it made a great little instrument. (翻译:这可能对猫来说不是一件好事,但却制造除了一件很好的小乐器。)

6. – Just an instrument for them. (翻译:- 我只是他们的工具 -不 – Just an instrument for them.)

7. The ignition quality of a fuel is determined as an ignition delay in the instrument that is converted to an instrument-related cetan number (FIA-CN). (翻译:燃料的燃烧性质由燃料在仪器内被点燃的延迟量决定,这个量可以转换成与仪器有关的己烷值来表示。)

8. How to turn a bicycle into an instrument of terror. (翻译:如何把一辆自行车 变成一种恐怖行动的工具。)

9. The name of a musical instrument, or so she tells me. (翻译:这名字是一种乐器的意思 她是这么告诉我的 The name of a musical instrument, or so she tells me.)

10. Now, the instrument was basically a giant music box. (翻译:在当时,那个乐器 基本上就是一个巨型音箱。)

11. Remove the defroster duct from the instrument panel. (翻译:从仪表板上拆下除霜器导管。)

12. The basic harmonica is a diatonic instrument. (翻译:这种基本的口琴是一种全音的乐器。)

13. Then a percussion instrument came in. (翻译:这时一件打击乐器加入了进来。)

14. Is he learning an instrument? (翻译:他在学习演奏乐器吗? )

15. COSTAR’s, I think, the tightest instrument. (翻译:COSTAR们,我想,是最让人紧张的设备)

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