smithsonite是什么意思 smithsonite的读音、翻译、用法

今日资讯2023-10-10 18:15:01book


smithsonite是什么意思 smithsonite的读音、翻译、用法


1. The mineral exhibit at the museum included a beautiful piece of smithsonite.(这个博物馆的矿物展览包括一块美丽的菱锌矿。)

2. The miners found veins of smithsonite while digging for lead.(矿工们在挖铅时发现了菱锌矿石脉。)

3. The jeweler used smithsonite to create a unique pendant.(珠宝商使用菱锌矿制作了一款独特的吊坠。)

4. The mineralogist studied the crystal structure of smithsonite.(矿物学家研究了菱锌矿的晶体结构。)

5. The rockhound added a piece of smithsonite to their mineral collection.(寻石人将一块菱锌矿加入了他们的矿物收藏中。)

6. The formation of smithsonite occurs in oxidized zinc ore deposits.(菱锌矿的形成出现在氧化锌矿床中。)

7. A rare find, the smithsonite had a unique pink coloration.(罕见的发现,这块菱锌矿拥有一种独特的粉泽。)

8. The gemstone collector sought after a high-quality smithsonite specimen.(宝石收藏家追寻高质量的菱锌矿标本。)

9. A popular lapidary material, smithsonite is often used for cabochons and faceted gems.(菱锌矿是一种流行的石材材料,常用于卡宝石和面切宝石中。)

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