repossession order是什么意思 repossession order的中文翻译、读音、例句

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repossession order是什么意思 repossession order的中文翻译、读音、例句

repossession order的中文解释是”收楼令”,还有网络的意思,读音为[repossessionorder],repossession order常被用作名词,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到37个与repossession order相关的例句。

Repossession order的词典翻译


例句:And keeping order restored (And keeping order restored)

例句:The uncle of the Zu, calls the kitchen lane to order like the vegetables in 1:00 (calls the kitchen lane to order like the vegetables in 1:)


repossession order一般作为名词使用,如在repossession(重新拥有 )、gain on repossession([会计] 恢复收益)、repossession man([网络] 取回的人)等常见短语中出现较多。

repossession 重新拥有
gain on repossession [会计] 恢复收益
repossession man [网络] 取回的人
order order [网络] 产品定购;处理订单;排序
order 次序
in order 整齐, 状况良好, 适宜
in order for 为了
in order of 按…的次序
in order that 为了,以便


1. Hey, uh, Kev, grab a table and order. (翻译:grab a table and order.)

2. That is an order, Humphrey! (翻译:That is an order, Humphrey!)

3. In order for the tannins to mellow, (翻译:In order for the tannins to mellow,)

4. This meeting is called to order. (翻译:静一静 静一静 This meeting is called to order.)

5. No, I want to order TV tubes. (翻译:I want to order TV tubes.)

6. so as to ensure public order. (翻译:以确保社会秩序。so as to ensure public order.)

7. The natural order of the universe. (翻译:宇宙的自然法则 The natural order of the universe.)

8. I am Father Avila, of Her Royal Franciscan Order. (翻译:of Her Royal Franciscan Order.)

9. In order for them to control you. (翻译:来控制你 in order for them to control you.)

10. Dufresne: Belay that order! (翻译:不必理会 {\3cH202020}Belay that order!)

11. Today, it is the First Order. (翻译:现在 是第一秩序 Today, it is the First Order.)

12. I think introductions are in order. (翻译:I think introductions are in order.)

13. He got his own back in little ways. (翻译:不过 大臣 这是命令 汉弗莱 Well, Minister… That is an order, Humphrey!)

14. In order to get THEIR loyal support. (翻译:为了换他们的忠诚支持 In order to get THEIR loyal support.)

15. Dolores, when you order supplies, do you order online? (翻译:Dolores 你买材料的时候 会上网买吗? Dolores, when you order supplies, do you order online?)

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