research aircraft是什么意思 research aircraft的中文翻译、读音、例句

今日资讯2023-10-16 18:17:54book

research aircraft在英语中代表”研究用飞机”的意思,作为名词时有”研究用飞机”的意思,发音是[researchaircraft],research aircraft在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到48个与research aircraft相关的句子。

research aircraft是什么意思 research aircraft的中文翻译、读音、例句

Research aircraft的词典翻译


例句:Research flights by McAvoy and fellow pilot Lawrence Clousing included looking into the problem of ice buildup on aircraft. (由麦卡沃伊和同航班的飞行员劳伦斯Clousing研究纳入了飞机上的冰积累看问题。)


research aircraft一般作为名词使用,如在aircraft(航空器 )、research(研究 )、research for(为寻求…而作调查研究,从事…研究,研究…)等常见短语中出现较多。

aircraft 航空器
research 研究
research for 为寻求…而作调查研究,从事…研究,研究…
research into 探究, 调查
research of [网络] 研究;调查;个案管理研究
research on 研究, 探讨…
to research into [网络] 研究
digital aircraft 采用数字式电子设备的飞机
directed aircraft 僚机;被引导的飞机


1. design,medical research,science,visualizations (翻译:design,medical research,science,visualizations)

2. He burned all my research. (翻译:还烧了我所有的研究 He burned all my research.)

3. Um, solid research facilities– (翻译:很完善的研究设备 um, solid research facilities –)

4. But I know the research is in there. (翻译:但是我知道研究就在那里 But I know the research is in there.)

5. The, uh, Evil Minds Research Museum. (翻译:Evil Minds Research Museum.)

6. business,cancer,medical research,open-source,science (翻译:business,cancer,medical research,open-source,science)

7. Sergeant, get these men off the aircraft now! (翻译:中士,马上叫这些人现在就离开飞机 Sergeant, get these men off the aircraft now!)

8. We can conduct our own research. (翻译:可以进行自己的研究 We can conduct our own research.)

9. Federal 595 heavy, slow immediately to match preceding aircraft. (翻译:联邦959航班立即减速与前方飞机保持距离,完毕 Federal 595 heavy, slow immediatelyto match preceding aircraft.)

10. The Governors of the NationalVegetable Research Station? (翻译:国家蔬菜研究所? The Governors of the NationalVegetable Research Station?)

11. Plus, this new aircraft can stay in the air (翻译:So far. 而且 这架飞机比原来那架可以在空中巡航 Plus, this new aircraft can stay in the air)

12. Request permission to launch. (翻译:这里是计算机导航 请求发射许可 Aircraft on computer guidance. Request permission to launch the weapon.)

13. Alright, contingencies are in place. (翻译:飞行器继续按原有飞行计划着陆 Aircraft on approach will continue to land according to their flight plan.)

14. That’s exactly what you’re gonna do, okay? (翻译:okay? 千万别调查 {\3cH202020}And no research.)

15. Hey, uh… have you done your research yet? (翻译:uh… have you done your research yet?)

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