Yunfu是什么意思 Yunfu的读音、翻译、用法

今日资讯2023-10-17 21:47:53book



Yunfu是什么意思 Yunfu的读音、翻译、用法


1. 雲浮是廣東省的一個地級市。(Yn f sh gung dng shng de y g d j sh.) Yunfu is a prefecture-level city in Guangdong Province.

2. 雲浮是中國的一座古城。(Yn f sh zhng gu de y zu g chng.) Yunfu is an ancient city in China.

3. 雲浮有著豐富的礦藏。(Yn f yu zhe fng f de kung cng.) Yunfu has rich mineral resources.

4. 雲浮的經濟正在蓬勃發展。(Yn f de jng j zhng zi png b f zhn.) The economy of Yunfu is booming.

5. 雲浮的旅遊業非常發達。(Yn f de l yu y fi chng f d.) Tourism is well developed in Yunfu.

6. 雲浮是廣東省的一個重要的農產品基地。(Yn f sh gung dng shng de y g zhng yo de nng chn pn j d.) Yunfu is an important agricultural produce base in Guangdong Province.

7. 雲浮的天氣很炎熱。(Yn f de tin q hn yn r.) The weather in Yunfu is very hot.

8. 雲浮的菜肴非常美味。(Yn f de ci yo fi chng mi wi.) The dishes in Yunfu are very delicious.

9. 雲浮擁有美麗的自然風光。(Yn f yng yu mi l de z rn fng gung.) Yunfu has beautiful natural scenery.

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