red wolf是什么意思 red wolf的中文翻译、读音、例句

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red wolf是什么意思 red wolf的中文翻译、读音、例句

red wolf的意思是”红狼”,还有电影的意思,在线读音是[redwolf],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到83个与red wolf相关的例句。

Red wolf的词典翻译


例句:Are you directing me to red-flag it? (Are you directing me to red -flag it?)


例句:And from his grave grew roses red (And from his grave grew roses red)


red wolf一般作为名词使用,如在wolf(狼 )、the wolf(狼)、dire wolf(惧狼)等常见短语中出现较多。

the wolf
dire wolf 惧狼
eastern wolf [网络] 东加拿大狼;东方狼
Ethiopian wolf [网络] 埃塞俄比亚狼;衣索比亚狼;西门豺
gray wolf 灰狼\n灰狼(歌名, Gray Wolf)
Howlin’ Wolf [网络] 啸狼;嚎叫野狼;咆哮之狼
Hugo Wolf [网络] 沃尔夫;雨果沃尔夫;胡戈沃尔夫
lone wolf 性格孤僻者,不与人往来者


1. No red and yellow, no red and yellow. (翻译:没有红和黄 No red and yellow, 没有红和黄 No red and yellow.)

2. Red, White and Blue Day is tomorrow! (翻译:Red, White and Blue Day is tomorrow!)

3. You did a summer at Wyler Wolf in New York. (翻译:你在纽约的Wyler Wolf律所实习过)

4. What do you mean, oh, please? I’m worried we’re soft on four votes: Wolf, Adams, Howard, Neka. (翻译:还有四票我不放心 Wolf Adams Howard Neka)

5. And the red, red rosy tree (翻译:# 还有一棵红红的玫瑰树 # # And the red, red rosy tree #)

6. Peter Gaulke and his shadow, Fred Wolf. (翻译:Peter Gaulke和他的跟屁虫 Fred Wolf)

7. Not after two or three years of red tape. (翻译:Not after two or three years of red tape.)

8. Ooh aah.. take the world and paint it red Ooh aah.. take the world and paint it red Ooh aah.. take the world and paint it red (翻译:take the world and paint it red)

9. Carl Perkins, Howling Wolf… (翻译:Carl Perkins Howing Wolf)

10. – And the red wolf is gone – And Treadwell is gone (翻译:红狼也不见了 Treadwell也不见了)

11. Dog Patch Red to Yellow Kid. (翻译:Dog Patch Red呼叫Yellow Kid.)

12. Charlie Feathers, the Prisonaires, James Cotton, Johnny Cash… (翻译:像Howlin Wolf Rufus Thomas Charlie Feathers Prisonaires James Cotton)

13. [“What’d I Say” By Ray Charles] (翻译:See the girl with the red dress on)

14. I mean, Wolf Man seems real enough. (翻译:wolf man seems real enough.)

15. Can say that again, like to have red one at you (翻译:like to have red one at you)


red wolf作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、red、wolves等。

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