niviventer culturatus是什么意思 niviventer culturatus的中文翻译、读音、例句

今日资讯2023-10-22 10:11:48book

niviventer culturatus通常被翻译为”高山白腹鼠”的意思,还有高山白腹鼠的意思,在线发音:[niviventerculturatus],niviventer culturatus是一个英语名词,在《英语自学简明词典》中,共找到78个与niviventer culturatus相关的句子。

niviventer culturatus是什么意思 niviventer culturatus的中文翻译、读音、例句

Niviventer culturatus的释义


例句:Be so kind as to enter the vestibule. (欢迎各位来到前厅 Be so kind as to enter the vestibule.)


例句:This article is to study the activity of sacrifice, origin and character of mountain god worship of the Tus. (本文对土族山神崇拜的祭祀活动、源流和特点做了探讨。)


niviventer culturatus一般作为名词使用,如在Niviventer(白腹鼠属)、rattus culturatus(高山白腹鼠)、niviventer ingi(刺鼠)等常见短语中出现较多。

Niviventer 白腹鼠属
rattus culturatus 高山白腹鼠
niviventer ingi 刺鼠


1. Let’s get an IV set up and then put a Foley in. (翻译:让我们的IV设置 然后放一根Foley英寸)

2. Please enter your destination. (翻译:请输入您的目的地 Please enter your destination.)

3. You enter a gate made of rock… (翻译:我们经过一座石门… You enter a gate made of rock…)

4. NOTE: A major revision of the NIV was released in early 2011. (翻译:注:NIV一个重大修订在xx年初发布。)

5. As early as the 160 years ago, the conditions of the related Tus in Sanchuan of Minghe County was reported. (翻译:有关民和三川地区土族的情况,早在xx年前就有人报道。)

6. Uh, permission to enter, Captain. (翻译:请求进入 船长 Uh, permission to enter, Captain.)

7. Study of altered expression of annexin IV and human endometrial receptivity (翻译:膜联蛋白IV蛋白差异表达与人类内膜胚胎接受性关系的初步研究)

8. Residents may now enter sector 179. (翻译:居民现在可以进入179区 Residents may now enter sector 179.)

9. He’ll see I was set up by Tus, step aside, princess. (翻译:琌斑獭苦 穦フ琌砆炒甡 琵秨そ)

10. Next time you enter a room, (翻译:下次你进房间 Next time you enter a room,)

11. Yes, oh, but enter through the side. (翻译:当然 不过要从侧面进来 Yes, oh, but enter through the side.)

12. Basher and I enter the museum by the main entrance. (翻译:巴斯和我从大门进入 Basher and I enter by the main entrance.)

13. Substrate degradation by type IV collagenase was measured by zymography. (翻译:采用酶谱方法检测IV型胶原酶对底物的降解。)

14. This is fly-by, Mariner IV. (翻译:这是Mariner IV从火星飞过拍下的照片。)

15. Share “I have given them Your word” (John 17:14 NIV). (翻译:分享“我已将你的道赐给他们。” )

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