Macrosiphum是什么意思 Macrosiphum的读音、翻译、用法

今日资讯2023-06-04 17:59:28book


Macrosiphum是什么意思 Macrosiphum的读音、翻译、用法


1. Macrosiphum euphorbiae is a common pest of tomato plants.(’Macrosiphum euphorbiae’是番茄植物的常见害虫。)

2. The ladybug was feasting on the Macrosiphum aphids.(瓢虫正在享用’Macrosiphum’蚜虫。)

3. The Macrosiphum infestation caused severe damage to the crop.(’Macrosiphum’的大量滋生导致庄稼遭受了严重的伤害。)

4. The Macrosiphum aphids are particularly fond of roses.(’Macrosiphum’蚜虫特别喜欢玫瑰。)

5. The Macrosiphum infestation was so severe that the farmer had to use pesticides to control it.(’Macrosiphum’的大量滋生非常严重,农民不得不使用农药来控制。)

6. Macrosiphum rosae is a common pest of apple trees.(’Macrosiphum rosae’是苹果树的常见害虫。)

7. The Macrosiphum aphids can transmit viruses to plants.(’Macrosiphum’蚜虫可以把病毒传递给植物。)

8. The Macrosiphum aphids were feeding on the sap of the plant.(’Macrosiphum’蚜虫正在吸食植物的汁液。)

9. The Macrosiphum aphids were causing the leaves of the plant to wilt.(’Macrosiphum’蚜虫导致植物的叶子枯萎。)

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