metameric match是什么意思 metameric match的中文翻译、读音、例句

今日资讯2023-06-04 18:22:04book

metameric match通常被翻译为”条件等色”的意思,还经常被翻译为条件配色,单词读音音标为[metamericmatch],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到19个与metameric match相关的句子。

metameric match是什么意思 metameric match的中文翻译、读音、例句

Metameric match的中文翻译


例句:Monrose present their new single “Strike the Match”. (蒙罗斯演唱了他们的新单曲《Strike the Match》。)


例句:There goes my afternoon match. (我的下午的比赛又泡汤了 There goes my afternoon match.)


metameric match一般作为名词使用,如在metameric colour match(条件配色)、metameric(分节的 )、metameric color(同素异构色)等常见短语中出现较多。

metameric colour match 条件配色
metameric 分节的
metameric color 同素异构色
metameric colour [染料] 异谱同色
metameric compound 位变异构[化合]物
metameric matching 同色异谱匹配
metameric muscle 体节肌
metameric objects 条件等色物体
metameric sac (某些昆虫幼虫的)丫腺


1. Match every gun with its bullets. (翻译:给每把枪都配上 Match every gun with its bullets.)

2. – They match a man named Arthur Maciel. (翻译:- 指纹与一个叫Arthur Maciel的人相符 – 什么? – They match a man named Arthur Maciel.)

3. One DNA match unaccounted for. (翻译:只有一个DNA无主 One DNA match unaccounted for.)

4. Match wants us to hypnotise him again, to help him recall the code (翻译:Match想我用电脑催眠他 , 记起密码)

5. Well, it does match your eyes. (翻译:颜色很配你的眼睛 有没有附小花帽? Well, it does match your eyes.)

6. Match, match, three on a match. And that’s bad luck, you know. (翻译:一致 一致 3个一致 这是要倒霉的 知道吗)

7. Carat, cut, color all match. (翻译:- 去抓这黑心珠宝商吧 – Carat, cut, color all match.)

8. Print we found in the club was a match. Carl’s definitely our guy. (翻译:跟我们在酒吧里找到的指纹一样 Print we found in the club was a match.)

9. – Uh, great moves? – Yeah, in the wrestling match. (翻译:in the wrestling match.)

10. No match for an Eton education such as mine. (翻译:跟上过伊顿的人完全没法比 比如我 No match for an Eton education such as mine.)

11. – Zero to zero, there is no such thing in tennis. (翻译:Y a pas de match nul au tennis.)

12. I’m Chief Scientific Advisor to, I’ve been it for 11 years. (翻译:我在Match.com作首席科学顾问 已经xx年了 )

13. If you don’t get any prints, maybe I can match a tool mark. (翻译:maybe I can match a tool mark.)

14. Ladies and gentlemen, this will be a tag team match. (翻译:this will be a tag team match.)

15. Kala loves the movies, so we went to see A Match Made by God. (翻译:so we went to see A Match Made by God.)

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