motivation psychology是什么意思 motivation psychology的中文翻译、读音、例句

今日资讯2023-06-04 18:29:20book

motivation psychology在英语中代表”法”的意思,其次还有”动机心理学”的意思,在线发音:[motivationpsychology],motivation psychology来源于英语,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到11个与motivation psychology相关的句子。

motivation psychology是什么意思 motivation psychology的中文翻译、读音、例句

Motivation psychology的翻译




例句:I like what Zig Ziglar said about motivation, he said, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last.” (我喜欢金克拉所说关于动力的话,他说,“人们常说动力不会持续很长时间。” )


motivation psychology一般作为名词使用,如在psychology(心理学 )、economic motivation(经济动机)、disjunctive motivation(选替动机)等常见短语中出现较多。

psychology 心理学
economic motivation 经济动机
disjunctive motivation 选替动机
etemic motivation 求知的动机
eliteness motivation 【商业】名流动机
excessive motivation 动机过度, 动机过强
expectancy motivation 期望激励
external motivation 外在动机
extrinsic motivation 外加激励


1. One is to deliver extrinsic motivation, that education has a payoff. (翻译:一个是传递外部的动力。也就是受教育是有回报的。)

2. Perhaps you are unaware of the true motivation behind Shepway’s actions. (翻译:看来你还没有意识到 瑟弗韦所作的一切是出于什么目的)

3. But people will just not have the motivation to do such a thing before the disaster strikes. (翻译:但是人们在灾难前 是不会有动机去做这样的事情的。)

4. Strong motivation will help you survive slowdowns and periods of burnout. (翻译:强大的动机可以帮助你挺过低迷和筋疲力尽的时期。)

5. Well, just figure out what it wants. What is its motivation? (翻译:你必须弄清楚它到底想要什么 它的动机是什么?)

6. Whenever my motivation drops, I think of childcare. (翻译:当失去动力的时候 就会想起成为幼教员的梦想)

7. This was the most powerful motivation calling me to medicine and is probably the most powerful motivation that compels me to write. (翻译:这是让我从医的最强有力的召唤,可能也是促使我写作的最强烈的动机。)

8. Some motivation comes from the first crazy idea, that consciousness is fundamental. (翻译:有一些动机来自第一个疯狂想法, 即意识是基本概念。)

9. He needs a different kind of motivation. (翻译:他需要不一样的 He needs a different kind of motivation.)

10. Dan Pink on the surprising science of motivation (翻译:Dan Pink – 出人意料的工作动机)

11. Motivation, creativity, teamwork, they all go way back. (翻译:动力,创造力,团队合作, 全都没有了。)

12. Another motivation, of course, is climate change. (翻译:另一个引发这些问题的原因当然是气候变化 )

13. So this is all in terms of negative motivation, or eliminating negative motivation. (翻译:所以一切都是关于负面动力 以及消除负面动力。)

14. you lack the motivation and talent come on. (翻译:尽管你们俩长相酷肖,但伊森 的主动性和天分让他出类拔萃 – 你的身上却没有这些忧点 – …)

15. The Motivation of Bi -syllabic Adjectives Reduplicated in the Form AABB (翻译:双音节性质形容词可重叠为AABB式的理据)

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