polyhead是什么意思 polyhead的中文翻译、读音、例句

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polyhead是什么意思 polyhead的中文翻译、读音、例句




例句:My head is all messed up and… (My head is all messed up and…)


例句:They poly YOU, kill your pet with some insane dmg, poly you again when you come back, drink and eat. (他们把你变羊,用高伤害杀掉宠物,当你恢复后再变回去,然后吃喝。)


1. As the complexity steps and high cost of synthetic poly malic acid, producing poly malic acid fermentation is especially important. (翻译:由于人工合成聚苹果酸步骤复杂,成本高,因此生物发酵生产聚苹果酸就显得尤为重要了。)

2. When the little head does the thinking (翻译:When the little head does the thinking)

3. Daddy, C will have your head. (翻译:C will have your head!)

4. ? where I can lay my head ? (翻译:*where I can lay my head)

5. It was in my head for months. (翻译:It was in my head for months.)

6. {\cHFFFFFF}# With your head full of ideas (翻译:# With your head full of ideas)

7. At the last moment, the head just went clunk! (翻译:the head just went clunk!)

8. Wait five minutes, then head for the drop. (翻译:then head for the drop.)

9. ♪ with your head in the clouds ♪ (翻译:♪With your head in the clouds♪)

10. His head swelled to twice the size of a normal head. (翻译:头肿得有两倍那么大 His head swelled to twice the size of a normal head.)

11. The art is up in the head. (翻译:The art is up in the head.)

12. Out of nowhere, a right by Albini hits Hollywood to the head.. (翻译:a right by Albini hits Hollywood to the head…)

13. I don’t look fat in this, do I? (翻译:Your head is so yeIIow and furry.)

14. They laid it upon his head (翻译:They laid it upon his head)

15. ~ Raindrops keep falling on my head ~ (翻译:# Raindrops keep falling on my head #)

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