names in workbook是什么意思 names in workbook的中文翻译、读音、例句

今日资讯2023-06-09 21:45:03book

names in workbook通常被翻译为”当前工作表中名称”的意思,还有当前工作表中名称的意思,发音是[namesinworkbook],names in workbook常被用作名词,在《英国拉丁词典》中,共找到54个与names in workbook相关的例句。

names in workbook是什么意思 names in workbook的中文翻译、读音、例句

Names in Workbook的释义


例句:It is possible for an end user to cancel the close operation of a workbook and continue to use your solution after the. (事件处理程序后取消工作簿的关闭操作并继续使用您的解决方案。)


names in workbook一般作为名词使用,如在Names in Workbook(当前工作表中名称)、names(n. 名字;名望(name的复数形式))、names for(v. 提名为)等常见短语中出现较多。

Names in Workbook 当前工作表中名称
names n. 名字;名望(name的复数形式)
names for v. 提名为
entire workbook [计] 整个工作簿
library workbook 图书馆练习簿
new workbook [计] 新工作簿
protect workbook 保护工作薄
protext workbook [计] 保护工作簿
save workbook [计] 保存工作簿
unhide workbook [计] 取消隐藏工作簿


1. – County Chairman Martin J. Rainfogle. (翻译:- What names? – County Chairman Martin J. Rainfogle.)

2. First the knees, then the names. (翻译:First the knees, then the names.)

3. ♪ names so deep and names so true ♪ (翻译:# 这些名字 至深至爱 # # Names so deep and names so true #)

4. Just think when our names are up in electric lights. (翻译:Just think when our names are up in electric lights.)

5. Just that you have a daughter. (翻译:不提名字 只说你有私生女 No names.)

6. For the ITEMID column, specify the name mapping to Names. (翻译:对于ITEMID列,指定名称映射为Names。)

7. If you define the following names in a workbook named Book1 (翻译:如果在名为Book1的工作簿中定义下列名称)

8. You know, all the elephants have been given names. (翻译:all the elephants have been given names.)

9. In Precrime, they got names. (翻译:In Precrime, they got names.)

10. ♪ but we had names more intimate ♪ (翻译:# 们有 更亲密的名字 # # But we had names more intimate #)

11. And Basit and Amjad are first names, Pakistani first names. (翻译:Basit和Amjad是名字 巴基斯坦人的名字 )

12. GFI workbook provides extensive further practice in reading, writing vocabulary and grammar. (翻译:“新目标”练习册为学生提供了广泛的阅读、词汇和语法书面练习。)

13. There are names, dates, account numbers. (翻译:有名字,日期,账户号码 There are names, dates, account numbers.)

14. How many sheets does a workbook have? (翻译:一个工作簿有多少工作表? )

15. This boy, Scotty Dalton, has black teeth and calls me names. (翻译:has black teeth and calls me names.)

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