ngultrum是什么意思 ngultrum的读音、翻译、用法

今日资讯2023-06-14 06:27:44book


ngultrum是什么意思 ngultrum的读音、翻译、用法


1. Ngultrum是不丹的货币单位。Ngultrum is the official currency unit of Bhutan.

2. 这个小餐馆里的晚餐只要150个ngultrum。Dinner in this small restaurant only costs 150 ngultrum.

3. 您可以在银行或兑换商那里换取ngultrum。You can exchange your currency for ngultrum at the bank or exchange vendor.

4. 他的工资是每月4000个ngultrum。His salary is 4,000 ngultrum per month.

5. 我在旅行社购买了一张机票,用ngultrum支付。I bought a plane ticket from the travel agency, and paid with ngultrum.

6. 这个旅游景点的门票要收取50个ngultrum。The admission fee for this tourist spot is 50 ngultrum.

7. 为了稳定ngultrum的价值,实行了严格的货币政策。The government has implemented strict monetary policies to stabilize the value of ngultrum.

8. 到不丹旅游时,您需要携带足够的ngultrum现金。When traveling to Bhutan, you need to bring enough ngultrum cash.

9. 不丹的各类交易都是用ngultrum结算的。All transactions in Bhutan are settled in ngultrum.

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