reflexivizations是什么意思 reflexivizations的中文翻译、读音、例句

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reflexivizations是什么意思 reflexivizations的中文翻译、读音、例句



例句:What’s the consequence of forming these gas ions? (形成这些气态离子的结果是什么呢? )


例句:And the Big Viz is a collection of 650 sketches that were made by two visual artists. (大视野是由650张草图所组成 这都是由两位视觉艺术家所做的。)


1. The ions bonding strength in TNA is weaker than that of TATB due to the small difference among the distance between ions in TNA and TATB. (翻译:由于TNA和TATB中离子之间的距离差异也很小,所以,TNA分子中的离子键强度比TATB分子中弱。)

2. a spasmodic reflex of the throat made as if in swallowing. (翻译:喉咙发出的一种间歇性反射,好象在吞咽东西。)

3. No obturator nerve reflex and other complications were seen. (翻译:无闭孔神经反射,无手术并发症。)

4. The ions exchange between calcium ions and zinc ions in L-guluronic acid units would influence the binding ability of zinc ion in D-mannuronic acid units. (翻译:钙锌离子交换试验表明钙离子与锌离子在海藻酸古洛糖醛酸片段的离子交换会影响锌离子与甘露糖醛酸片段的结合。)

5. But if you’ve aimed just right, it’ll be pure reflex. (翻译:但是如果你己经瞄准了 那正好有了反作用力)

6. The Course bean will have two properties defined viz. (翻译:Course bean将有两个属性,分别用于定义viz。)

7. You know, that could? Be a subconscious reflex … a Super libido stimulated. (翻译:你知道,这可能是一个 潜意识的反射…)

8. Clinical value of Vojta posture reflex in the diagnosis of early cerebral palsy (翻译:Vojta姿势反射诊断早期脑瘫的临床价值)

9. Only a fraction of the A ions are in tetrahedral sites. (翻译:只有一部分A离子处在四面体的位置上。)

10. It’s just the pressure point reflex thing. (翻译:I met him on a Sunday 我的嗓子)

11. Gagging yourself might not be enough to force the reflex for some people. (翻译:将手伸进口中的方法对某些人来说可能还不够。)

12. A cognitive error triggered my good samaritan reflex. (翻译:一个认知错误触发了我的仁慈撒玛利亚人反射 A cognitive error triggered my Good Samaritan reflex.)

13. The invention relates to clays comprising charge-balancing organic ions wherein at least part of the organic ions are rosin-based ions. (翻译:本发明涉及包含电荷平衡有机离子的粘土,其中至少部分有机离子为基于松香的离子。)

14. Kodak Instamatic Reflex Film Camera, Retina, Germany. (翻译:柯达斯它玛蒂克反射膜照相机,视网膜,德国。)

15. My first reflex was to say, “Hallelujah — what a great idea! (翻译:我的第一反应是说, “哈利路亚——这是个多么棒的点子!)

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