mining market是什么意思 mining market的中文翻译、读音、例句

今日资讯2023-11-02 06:35:37book

mining market是什么意思 mining market的中文翻译、读音、例句

mining market的意思是”经”,其中文解释还有”矿山股票市场”的意思,单词读音音标为[miningmarket],mining market是一个英语名词,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到59个与mining market相关的句子。

Mining market的中文翻译


例句:Mr. Rieser, the maker of coal mining equipment, says his company is reacting to the slowdown by introducing machines for different segments of the market. (经营煤矿开采设备的里泽说,为了应对经济减速,他的公司正在推出针对不同细分市场的机械。)


例句:And this place just went on the market today. (And this place just went on the market today. 今天,这个地方刚刚上市)


mining market一般作为名词使用,如在mining(矿业 )、in market(在买卖中)、in the market(上市,待售)等常见短语中出现较多。

mining 矿业
in market 在买卖中
in the market 上市,待售
market to 向…推销
no market 无销路
no market for [经] 货不通行, 无销路
the market [网络] 市场;市集;市场状况
to market [网络] 去市场;上市场;推销
dry mining 干法开采


1. How much does that sell for on the black market? (翻译:那些在黑市上能卖多少钱? How much does that sell for on the black market?)

2. It’s given me a chance to develop my style, understand the market. (翻译:understand the market.)

3. This is the beginning of longwall mining. (翻译:这是长壁开采的开始。)

4. Eventually he let me take trips to the market alone. (翻译:最后准许我独自到市场采购 Eventually he let me take trips to the market alone.)

5. Milky-White must be taken to market. (翻译:我们要把小白白带到集市上去 Milky -White must be taken to market.)

6. The stock market soars 390 points today. (翻译:日股狂升三百九十点收市 The stock market soars 390 points today,)

7. – Not if they get to market before us. (翻译:他们先上市的话就没戏了 Not if they get to market before us.)

8. Give the mining camp a wide berth. (翻译:Give the mining camp a wide berth.)

9. – But only if we all sell. (翻译:- Well above market. – But only if we all sell.)

10. You’re right. I’m not a real anything. (翻译:- you think you have the market cornered on feeling alienated? 就像你一样!)

11. Are you in the market for a grandmother? (翻译:你会为了一位老奶奶去市场? Are you in the market for a grandmother?)

12. They were mining for gold. (翻译:他们在开采黄金。)

13. Did you hear what happened at the market? (翻译:你知道超市发生什么了吗? JAMES: Did you hear what happened at the market?)

14. I forgot about the Latina market! (翻译:我把拉丁美洲的市场给忘了! I forgot about the Latina market!)

15. Be in charge of mining job, ensure that the mining work comply with lafarge standards in terms of quality and safety. (翻译:负责采矿工作,确保采矿作业在安全和质量方面都符合拉法基的标准。)

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