puffs away是什么意思 puffs away的中文翻译、读音、例句

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puffs away是什么意思 puffs away的中文翻译、读音、例句

puffs away的意思是”吹走”,还经常被翻译为吹风,发音是[puffsaway],puffs away在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到48个与puffs away相关的例句。

Puffs away的翻译


例句:That’s why I’ve accessed the museum’s security cameras, and having seen the kitchen, I’d advise you to stay away from the shrimp puffs. (所以我黑进了博物馆的摄像头 看了厨房的场景以后 我建议你不要吃鲜虾泡芙)


例句:More puffs, or more intense puffs, make the state last for a longer period of time. (更多的空气供给,或者更激烈的空气量 会让这种状态持续更长的一段时间。)


puffs away一般作为名词使用,如在puffs(n. 一阵;喘息(puff的复数))、huffs and puffs(蒸汽吞吐;咆哮;恼怒;恫吓)、muff puffs(泡芙)等常见短语中出现较多。

puffs n. 一阵;喘息(puff的复数)
huffs and puffs 蒸汽吞吐;咆哮;恼怒;恫吓
muff puffs 泡芙
puffs of air [网络] 吹空气\n(puff of air 的复数)
puffs of smoke [网络] 喷出的阵阵烟雾
puffs out na. 喘着气说;(烟)噗噗噗地喷
puffs up un. 喷出\nv. 膨胀;肿起
away 离开
will away n. 遗嘱


1. He had a few puffs at the cigar. (翻译:他吸了几口雪茄。)

2. Ta-kang, drive the car away quickly (翻译:drive the car away quickly)

3. Get it away, get it away, get it away, get it away! (翻译:快走开 快走开 别过来 别过来! Get it away, get it away, get it away, get it away!)

4. ♪ Look away, look away, look away… ♪ (翻译:Look away, look away, look away…)

5. I get the cream puffs. What’s the munchies? (翻译:小泡芙我懂了 munchru是什么意思啊)

6. ♪ Till all this goes away ♪ (翻译:* Till all this goes away *)

7. They come once, listen, and go away (翻译:They come once, listen, and go away)

8. They… they took him away. (翻译:- they took him away.)

9. But alive and eating Cocoa Puffs. (翻译:但要有生气 还要假装在吃可可米花 But alive and eating Cocoa Puffs.)

10. ♪ Away down South in Dixie ♪ (翻译:Away down South in Dixie)

11. For God’s sake, Joe, put your money away! (翻译:put your money away!)

12. ♪ The evening sleeps away ♪ (翻译:♪ The evening sleeps away ♪)

13. – But it always blows away. (翻译:-But it always blows away.)

14. And we are not running away. (翻译:And we are not running away.)

15. She squeezed the corn puffs and they crumbled into floury dust. (翻译:母亲捏紧了谷物饼,饼干碎成了粉状的细屑。)

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