octahedral invariant是什么意思 octahedral invariant的中文翻译、读音、例句

今日资讯2024-03-31 19:10:46book

octahedral invariant通常被翻译为”八面体不变式”的意思,在日常中也代表”八面体不变式”的意思,发音音标为[octahedralinvariant],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《现代英语词典》中,共找到64个与octahedral invariant相关的例句。

octahedral invariant是什么意思 octahedral invariant的中文翻译、读音、例句

Octahedral invariant的释义


例句:Phase Congruency Model avoids the hypothesis of the edge type in advance, and is invariant by contrast. (相位一致性模型避免预先假设边缘的类型,且不受明暗对比度的影响。)


octahedral invariant一般作为名词使用,如在octahedral(八面体的 )、invariant(不变的 )、octahedral axis(八面体轴)等常见短语中出现较多。

octahedral 八面体的
invariant 不变的
octahedral axis 八面体轴
octahedral borax 八面硼砂,八面体硼砂
octahedral cleae 八面体解理
octahedral complex [化] 八面体络合物
octahedral compound [化] 八面体化合物
octahedral coordination 【矿物学】八面体配位
octahedral crystal 八面晶体


1. Here at the molecular level, the black material is composed of octahedral beads. (翻译:黑体的分子是由八面的珠粒组成的 -巴克球 -正是)

2. Use the invariant culture to store data in a file or memory, or to transmit the data over a communication link. (翻译:请使用不因国别而异的文化特性,将资料储存到档案或记忆体,或透过通讯连结传输资料。)

3. In an octahedral configuration of the extracts, the substituting groups from the two coor … (翻译:而在四面体构型中,两对取代基在互为正交的两个平面中,位阻小得多。)

4. The peper answers the so-called invariant inertia question. (翻译:这是所谓的不变惯性问题,本文将予回答。)

5. In this thesis, we will study an Affine-Invariant EigenSnake model (AIES), which improved the model’s searching ability. (翻译:本论文将要研究的一种仿射不变本征蛇模型就是从增强模型搜索能力方面进行研究的。)

6. Loop invariant code motion (LICM) is a traditional optimization. (翻译:循环不变量外提是一种传统的优化算法。)

7. The relationships among generalized convexity, generalized convexity and generalized invariant monotonicity are discussed. (翻译:讨论了各种广义凸性,广义不变凸性以及广义不变单调性之间的关系。)

8. Based on an invariant of semi-potential vorticity, the scale criterion of geostrophic adaptation in tropical baroclinic atmosphere is discussed. (翻译:文中利用一个半位势涡度时间不变式对热带斜压大气地转适应过程中的尺度准则进行了研究。)

9. It will be noted that between the two layers there exist interstices of two types: tetrahedral and octahedral. (翻译:要注意两层之间有两种类型的空隙:四面体型和八面体型。)

10. For geometric invariance of the invariant moment, it has been used in pattern recognition, computer vision and image reconstruction. (翻译:不变矩的几何变换不变性特点,使其在模式识别、计算机视觉和图像重构中被广泛使用。)

11. The disseminated chromite characteristically forms rudely octahedral crystals, 0. 05-0. 15mm in size. (翻译:浸染状铬铁矿特征性地形成大致的八面体晶体0.005——0.15毫米大小。)

12. This change can be explained by different cation radiuses in the octahedral coordination site of garnet lattice. (翻译:这种规律性的变化可由石榴石晶格中处于八次配位时不同阳离子的配位半径不同作出解释。)

13. It’s startling you haven’t considered a Lorentz invariant or field theory approach. (翻译:让我吃惊的是你没有考虑到 洛伦兹不变量或是场论)

14. A new combined invariant moment was presented according to the characteristics of NMI’s feature and affine invariant moment proposed by Jan Flusser with their application conditions. (翻译:针对商标图像结构越来越复杂的特点,提出了一种基于联合不变矩形状特征的商标图像检索方法。)

15. Jiuzhaigou has 108 “haiti” of varying sizes and shapes , but of invariant limpidity to the bottom of the lakes . (翻译:九寨沟有108个“海子”,虽然大小不一,形状各异,却都清澈见底。)

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