Austen Chamberlain是什么意思 Austen Chamberlain的读音、翻译、用法

今日资讯2024-04-01 07:20:47book

‘Austen Chamberlain’是英国的词语,中文翻译为奥斯汀钱伯林,他是英国历史上著名的家和外交家。

Austen Chamberlain是什么意思 Austen Chamberlain的读音、翻译、用法

用法:’Austen Chamberlain’可用来指代这位家或他所代表的派别。


1. Austen Chamberlain was a prominent British statesman who served as Foreign Secretary from 1924-1929.(奥斯汀钱伯林是一位杰出的英国家,曾在xx年至xx年担任外交大臣。)

2. The policies of Austen Chamberlain played a major role in shaping British foreign policy in the interwar period.(奥斯汀钱伯林的政策在战间期间塑造了英国的外交政策。)

3. Many historians consider Austen Chamberlain to be one of the most important politicians of the early 20th century.(许多历史学家认为奥斯汀钱伯林是20世纪初期最重要的家之一。)

4. The Conservative Party under Austen Chamberlain’s leadership pursued a policy of appeat towards Nazi Germany.(在奥斯汀钱伯林的领导下,保守党采取了对德国的绥靖政策。)

5. Austen Chamberlain was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1925 for his efforts to promote international cooperation and disarmament.(奥斯汀钱伯林因其促进国际合作和裁军的努力于xx年获得了诺贝尔和平奖。)

6. Austen Chamberlain’s diplomatic skills were widely admired by his contemporaries and helped maintain Britain’s position as a major world power.(奥斯汀钱伯林的外交技巧受到他的同时代人的广泛赞赏,并有助于维持英国作为世界大国的地位。)

7. The Austen Chamberlain Memorial Trust was established in his honor to support research into international relations and global security.(为了纪念奥斯汀钱伯林,成立了奥斯汀钱伯林纪念信托基金,支持国际关系和全球安全研究。)

8. Austen Chamberlain’s leadership of the Conservative Party was marked by a commitment to free trade and economic liberalism.(奥斯汀钱伯林领导保守党的时期以致力于自由贸易和经济自由主义为标志。)

9. Austen Chamberlain’s advocacy for the League of Nations and international cooperation was rooted in his belief that diplomacy and negotiation were preferable to war.(奥斯汀钱伯林倡导国际联盟和国际合作的根源在于他相信外交和谈判优于战争。)

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