Gothmog是什么意思 Gothmog的读音、翻译、用法

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Gothmog是什么意思 Gothmog的读音、翻译、用法



1. Gothmog是一位可怕的魔王,他听从莫多的指挥,领导黑暗。

(Gothmog is a terrible demon who takes orders from Morgoth, leading the armies of darkness)

2. 在中土上,Gothmog是兽人的指挥官之一,他的勇气和战斗技巧无人能敌。

(In the Middle-earth, Gothmog is one of the commanders of Orcs, his courage and battle skills are unmatched.)

3. 当Gothmog坐上了凶兽的背上时,他变得更加可怕,如同魔鬼一般。

(When Gothmog mounted his fierce beast, he became even more terrifying, like a devil.)

4. Gothmog的兄弟巨魔魔法师乌格哈把他的头戴在带着金属加固的铁盾牌上,使得他变得无坚不摧。

(Gothmog’s brother, the troll sorcerer Uggha, mounted his head on a metal-reinforced shield, him invincible.)

5. Gothmog用它巨大的双手握住剑柄,一边发出哀嚎,一边向敌人挥舞着他的武器。

(Gothmog gripped the hilt of his sword with his mive hands, howling as he swung his weapon at the enemy.)

6. 当你看到Gothmog跃起,举起他的双手在空中挥舞时,你知道你面临的是一场可怕的战斗。

(When you see Gothmog leaping and waving his hands in the air, you know that you are facing a terrifying battle.)

7. Gothmog用他强壮的手臂抡起一只燃烧的,把它扔向敌人的阵地。

(Gothmog swung a burning bomb with his strong arm and threw it at the enemy’s position.)

8. 在Gothmog的眼中,只有和残杀,他是一名残忍的战士。

(In Gothmog’s eyes, there is only destruction and slaughter, he is a cruel warrior.)

9. Gothmog的头戴着一顶骷髅头盔,他的面容毫不畏惧。

(Gothmog wore a skull helmet on his head, his face showing no fear.)

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