perforation efficiency是什么意思 perforation efficiency的中文翻译、读音、例句

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perforation efficiency是什么意思 perforation efficiency的中文翻译、读音、例句

perforation efficiency的意思是”射孔效率”,其中文解释还有”射孔效率”的意思,发音音标为[perforationefficiency],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《中小学生词典》中,共找到55个与perforation efficiency相关的例句。

Perforation efficiency的翻译


例句:Study of Treating Carious Mandibular Primary molar in Perforation of Pulp Bottom with ZOE Iodoform Paste (碘仿糊剂治疗下颌乳磨牙龋源性髓室底穿通的探讨)


perforation efficiency一般作为名词使用,如在perforation(穿孔 )、enteric perforation(小肠穿孔)、esophageal perforation([内科] 食管穿孔)等常见短语中出现较多。

perforation 穿孔
enteric perforation 小肠穿孔
esophageal perforation [内科] 食管穿孔
esophagus perforation 食管穿破
explosive perforation 爆炸打孔
film perforation 片孔
fold perforation 折合打孔
foraminate perforation 麻黄式穿孔
gallbladder perforation 胆囊穿破


1. The polytropic efficiency is one of the most significant indicators which are used to judge the economical efficiency of the units. (翻译:离心式压缩机组广泛应用于石油天然气工业领域,而多变效率是衡量该系统运行经济性的重要指标之一。)

2. No prostatic capsula perforation occurred in PKRP group, with 2 cases of prostatic capsula perforation in TURP group. (翻译:PKRP组无一例发生前列腺包膜穿孔,TURP组有2例发生包膜穿孔;)

3. Objective To investigate the possibility of the inner ear damage resulting from the traumatic perforation of tympanic membranes. (翻译:目的探讨压力性鼓膜穿孔患者内耳是否受损伤及受损伤的程度。)

4. The perforation technology optimum and optimal design of the sand control tubular string provided scientific basis for perfecting and enhan… (翻译:水平井射孔工艺优选和防砂工艺管柱的优化设计,为完善和提高水平井防砂工艺提供了科学依据。)

5. Operating experience for SSQ-B computerized perforation coring instrument (翻译:SSQ-B数控射孔取心仪操作中的几点经验)

6. Because solubility of calcic compound is low, desulphurization efficiency and utilization efficiency of ca are low. (翻译:因为钙的化合物的溶解度较小,单纯用其做吸收剂所达到的脱硫效率和钙的利用率都比较低。)

7. ECE, energy conversion efficiency. (翻译:-催化剂,就是能量转换剂 -哦 -ECE, energy conversion efficiency.)

8. CA: That scale delivers efficiency. (翻译:克里斯特.安德森: 这个规模能够带来效率。)

9. The perforation, which misinterpreted as eyes, actually is a gap between the body of a bird and its talon. (翻译:被看作是眼睛的穿孔,其实是鸟的身体与爪之间的空隙。)

10. Furcation perforation often leads to a very perplexing and frustrating problem in endodontic therapy, often have a doubtful prognosis . (翻译:髓室底穿孔的治疗是临床上的棘手问题,预后常不理想。)

11. Objective To investigate the efficacies of external sticking with HeaL mouth rehabilitation membrane in traumatic perforation of tympanic membrane. (翻译:目的评估以海奥口腔修复膜行鼓膜复位贴补法治疗外伤性鼓膜穿孔的疗效。)

12. Subphrenic abscess in the main because of gastrointestinal perforation and post-operative infections. (翻译:膈下脓肿的主要病因为胃肠道穿孔和手术后的感染。)

13. Background: Iatrogenic esophageal perforation after endoscopy or surgery can be a devastating event. (翻译:背景:在内腔镜检查或手术后医源性食管穿孔是灾难性的结局。)

14. A trouble-makerand crank unhealthily obsessed with efficiency. (翻译:他是个麻烦精 地迷恋效率 A trouble -makerand crank unhealthily obsessed with efficiency.)

15. Effect Evaluation of Tinidazol Composite Used in Perforation Repair Of Pulpal Bottom in Deciduous Molar (翻译:替硝唑复合剂修补乳磨牙髓底穿孔的疗效评价)

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