federal reserve是什么意思 federal reserve的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-09 19:42:50寒南

federal reserve是什么意思 federal reserve的中文翻译、读音、例句

federal reserve是一个词组,由两个词组成。federal意为联邦的,reserve意为储备。联邦储备(Federal Reserve)是指美国的中央银行系统,由12个区域联邦储备银行和一个位于特区的美国联邦储备委员会组成。


常用场景:federal reserve通常用于经济、金融等领域的讨论中,尤其是与美国经济和货币政策相关的话题。

词组搭配:federal reserve system(联邦储备系统)、federal reserve board(美国联邦储备委员会)、federal reserve bank(联邦储备银行)。

相关短语:interest rate(利率)、monetary policy(货币政策)、inflation(通货膨胀)、deflation(通货紧缩)等。

发音拼写:/fdrl rzrv/


读音:f di r l jn zh x tng


1. The Federal Reserve manages the money supply in the United States.


2. The Federal Reserve is responsible for setting interest rates and regulating the banking industry.


federal reserve在英语中代表"联邦储备系统"的意思,在日常中也代表"美国"的意思,单词读音音标为[federalreserve],federal reserve在英语中经常以名词形式出现,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到39个与federal reserve相关的句子。

Federal Reserve的释义


例句:The deal was backed by $30 billion in emergency guarantees from the Federal Reserve. (这项交易得到美联储 - 300亿美元的紧急担保支持)


例句:Reagan appointed him chairman of America's central bank, the Federal Reserve. (雷根指派他成为美国中央银行系统 - 美联储的)


federal reserve一般作为名词使用,如在federal reserve act([经] )、federal reserve agent(un. 准备监理官)、federal reserve bank([经] 联邦储备银行)等常见短语中出现较多。

federal reserve act[经]
federal reserve agentun. 准备监理官
federal reserve bank[经] 联邦储备银行
federal reserve bulletin[经]
federal reserve cities[经] 联邦储备城市
Federal Reserve credit联邦储备信用
federal reserve currency[财]联邦储备通货
federal reserve districts[经] 联邦储备区
Federal Reserve note联邦储备兑换券;联邦储备券;联邦储备票据
federal reserve notes[经] 联邦储备券


1. McClane mentioned something about the Federal Reserve building. (翻译:翩゚硼・ミ゚ム ヤ枻ヌ レ・翳席 ヌ睇ヘハ桒リ・ヌ矍矩ムヌ硼)

2. You know, the Federal Reserve is a pimp. (翻译:其实美联署就是个放高利贷的 他希望你的债务永远还不清)

3. Obama described the group, to be led by former Federal Reserve chairman Paul Volcker as "additional eyes and ears" . (翻译:形容这个团队,是由美联储前保罗沃尔克领导的“另外的眼睛和耳朵”。)

4. Paul Volcker served in the Treasury Department and was chairman of the Federal Reserve from 1979 to 1987. (翻译:Paul Volcker曾就职于 - 并在xx年到xx年间 担任美联储)

5. Allen Greenspan was the chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank from 1987 to 2006. (翻译:艾伦格林斯潘于xx年至xx年任美联储。)

6. There are 12 Federal Reserve Districts (FRD) in US with one Federal Reserve Bank per district. (翻译:在美国有12个联邦储备区,每个区都设有一个联邦储备银行。)

7. If Federal Reserve policy creates a strong economic growth and keeps inflation low (翻译:如果联储的政策能创造强劲的经济增长 并保持低通胀)

8. This gold belonged to the American people, not to the Federal Reserve and their foreign owners. (翻译:这些黄金属于美国 并不属于美联储和他们的外国所有者)

9. at least no reserve to back up the Federal Reserve notes which is our common currency. (翻译:至少没有储备美国联邦储备券的抵押品 也就是我们的共同货币)

10. -What if you'd learn that the federal reserve makes money out of the taxes you pay? (翻译:如果你知道联邦储备局通过你们交的税赚钱你会感觉怎么? ?)

11. What are you planning to hit, the Federal Reserve? (翻译:你打算偷哪里 美联储吗? What are you planning to hit, the Federal Reserve?)

12. So the equivalent of the Federal Reserve Bank in Cambodia was bombed. (翻译:所以他们炸毁了在柬埔寨 相当于联邦储备银行的机构 )

13. This is now to cease, and the takedown of the Federal Reserve is imminent. (翻译:现在是停止的时候了,撤出美联储已经迫在眉睫。)

14. Warburg wanted to call the legislation the National Reserve Bill or the Federal Reserve Bill. (翻译:沃伯格想把法案叫做 国家储备法案或者联邦储备法案)

15. Why did you leave the Federal Reserve in August of 2008 in the middle of the worst financial crisis? (翻译:你为何在xx年xx月离开美联储 - 在最急迫的危头?)


federal reserve作为名词的时候,其近义词以及反义词有s、federal、reserves等。
