包场用英语怎么说 包场的英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-10 09:34:49久绊

包场在英语中翻译是"book a whole theatre or cinema",其次还可以说成"make a block booking",在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到60个与包场相关短语释义和例句。

16. book a whole theatre or cinema

包场翻译为book a whole theatre or cinema。

包场用英语怎么说 包场的英语翻译

Have you r hold a party in upstairs cafes?

Block Booking for Film Show ( 观影包场 )

second largest of outsocing engineeng contracting ( 第二大承包工程市场 )

MAYMAY Coach Factory ( 全场包邮 )

Market Package Market Bag ( 市场包 )

16. The vast majoty of the dience consists of big business executives block-booked by the banks and oil companies and multinationals and people like you.

译文:观众大多是商业巨头 The dience consists of big business executives 团体包场都是银行 石油公司 block -booked by the banks and oil companies。

16. On Chstmas Eve? No way. it's the only day she can shop.

16. - Closed for a pvate party.

16. i've got the Flamingo breathing down my neck to cough up the dough to hold that showom, and you're telling me to calm down?

译文:我快要被火烈鸟扭掉脖子 向我要包场费 你还要我冷静。

16. That's becse i bought out the house.

16. Someone booked the whole venue tonight,

16. What are you looking at? Pvate party today.

16. This is online map of the address "Bao Chang Zhen Bao Xin Zhong Lu , Haimen City, Nantong City, Jiangsu Pvince, China" .


16. The booking is for downstairs,

16. i'll rent out the whole place.

16. How much for all the tickets of the next show?

16. We're reserved for the reservation.

16. _it, i thought you are the young ones, come on, hry up, Someone booked the whole venue tonight,

译文:杰仔,还说是年青人,手脚那么慢? 快点吧,今晚有人来包场呀。

16. Yo next show is sold-out too.

16. And we'd like to have the terrace just for us.
