daima是什么意思 daima的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-14 11:10:44不良人


daima是什么意思 daima的中文翻译、读音、例句


词组搭配:代码编辑器(code editor)、代码库(code library)、代码注释(code annotation)。

短语:编写代码(write code)、阅读代码(read code)、调试代码(debug code)。

发音拼写:di m。


1. 我们需要一名专门负责编写代码的工程师。We need an engineer who specializes in writing code.

2. 这个项目的代码很复杂,需要耐心地阅读。The code for this project is complex and requires patience to read.

3. 他花了几个小时来调试代码,最终找到了错误。He spent several hours debugging the code and eventually found the error.

4. 这个软件的代码已经经过了数次修改和优化。The code for this software has been modified and optimized several times.

5. 他对编写代码的兴趣远远超过了其他的工作。His interest in coding far surpes his interest in other jobs.


读音:di m


1. 她是我的好朋友,我会支持她,无论何时何地,我都会跟她在一起,我会永远爱她,我和她是“大家庭”的一员,我们一起活到“嗒嗒”的岁数。

Translation: She is my good friend. I will support her no matter what, always be with her wherever and whenever, love her forever, and we are members of a "big family". We will live together until we are "old and grey".

2. 他是一个非常勤奋的人,他的工作做得很好,一直都是我们公司的中坚力量。

Translation: He is a very hardworking person. He does his job well and has always been a key member of our company.
