无人机用英语怎么说 无人机的英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-14 12:22:44烂好人

无人机用英语翻译为"U unmanned aeal vehicle",还网络中常译为" HALE U",在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到90个与无人机相关译文和例句。

16. U unmanned aeal vehicle

无人机用英语怎么说 无人机的英语翻译

无人机翻译为U unmanned aeal vehicle。

Dnes are like aies, only without a pilot.

示例:So these bots are related to unmanned aeal vehicles. 这些飞行器 源于无人驾驶飞行器

AUVSI UVS INTERNATIONAL Association for Unmanned Vehicle s International ( 国际无人机协会 )

machinery ze ship MO ship Eo ( 无人机舱船 )

16. Holy . is that a dne?

16. How long until the dne is back in range of London?

16. - Scanning the dne archives.

16. Somethings taken contl of my dne!

16. How far out is dne support?

16. An Amecan was on the kill list?

16. There was a dne spying on my wife, and you're the only person i know with a dne.

16. You sent a dne to follow me.

16. - Remote contlled dne. - Wow.

16. The type of unmanned aeal vehicle will be a Shadow 200 fm the AAi Corporation.


16. The dnes are pgrammed...

16. You will pilot the dnes.

16. i'm afraid dnes are not an option.

16. Are you crazy? This is my dad's dne.

16. The dne is closing in on London.
