meteoric是什么意思 meteoric的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-14 13:32:44清明雨上

meteoric是什么意思 meteoric的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:adj. 陡升的,迅速的,流星的;与流星有关的


词组搭配:meteoric rise(迅速崛起),meteoric shower(流星雨),meteoric iron(陨铁)




1. His meteoric rise to fame was unexpected.


2. The company experienced a meteoric growth in revenue.


3. The meteoric shower was a spectacular sight.


4. We found a piece of meteoric iron on the beach.


5. She made a meteoric appearance on the stage, then vanished into thin air.


英文单词 "meteoric" 的意思是 "流星般的,迅速的"。




1. His meteoric rise to fame was due to his incredible talent and hard work. (他的迅速崛起是由于他的卓越才能和努力工作。)

2. The company's meteoric growth in the past year has exceeded everyone's expectations. (公司过去xx年的迅速增长超出了所有人的预期。)




例句:Such was the meteoric talent of Emerson Fittipaldi possessed that having queued for Graham Hill's autograph in the summer of 1969, less than a year later he would become a fellow Lotus driver in F1. (费蒂帕尔迪这样的人他拥有超人的才能,他还曾经在xx年夏天排长队为了得到格拉汉姆希尔签名,不到xx年之后他将成为了莲花车队参加F1的车手。)


例句:redolent smell curious knowledge lucid sight torpid motion ephemeral touch piquant taste aromatic odoriferous evanescent meteoric transitory (芳香的好奇的表达清楚的视力有气无力的动作短暂的辛辣的气味知识接触味道)


例句:Making it easy for consumers to copy celebrity style is the secret behind the meteoric rise of internet retailer Asos. (方便消费者仿制名人的着装款式就是网上零售店Asos快速崛起的秘密。)


例句:Metallogenic fluids are mainly rock formation water and meteoric water as well as possible addition of magmatic hydrothermal solutions. (翻译:矿床成矿流体以建造水和大气降水为主,并可能有岩浆热液的加入。)


meteoric一般作为形容词使用,如在meteoric apex(流星向点)、meteoric body(流星体)、meteoric channel(流星通路)等常见短语中出现较多。

meteoric apex流星向点
meteoric body流星体
meteoric channel流星通路
meteoric collision流星体碰撞
meteoric dust流星尘
meteoric effect[天] 流星效应
meteoric hypothesis流星假说
meteoric ionization流星电离
meteoric iron陨铁


1. Making it easy for consumers to copy celebrity style is the secret behind the meteoric rise of internet retailer Asos. (翻译:方便消费者仿制名人的着装款式就是网上零售店Asos快速崛起的秘密。)

2. Metallogenic fluids are mainly rock formation water and meteoric water as well as possible addition of magmatic hydrothermal solutions. (翻译:矿床成矿流体以建造水和大气降水为主,并可能有岩浆热液的加入。)

3. The groundwater is of meteoric origin resulted from the fact that the groundwater in CGB is mainly distributed along LMWL. (翻译:盆地内地下水大致集中沿雨水线分布,反映了白垩系盆地内地下水为大气降水成因。)

4. He had a meteoric rise until a year ago. - What happened then? (翻译:他平步青云 直到xx年前 He had a meteoric rise until a year ago.)

5. The ancient meteoric water eluviation is the important way to improve reservoir physical properties under the unconformity. (翻译:古大气水淋滤作用是改善不整合面附近储层物性的重要因素。)

6. How do you think a lowly lab technician made that meteoric rise through the ranks? (翻译:你认为一个孤独的实验技术人员怎样 通过等级森严的社会快速爬上高位)

7. And the man behind their meteoric ascent was the late fight impresario, Dante Slate. (翻译:他俩成名的幕后推手 便是已故职业拳击经纪人丹迪斯莱特)

8. Indeed, Yan Qi's meteoric rise, like that of the city, is difficult to explain by logic alone. (翻译:真的,严琦的迅速崛起,就像这个城市的迅速崛起一样,几乎不能单单靠逻辑来解释。)

9. Changkeng is a large-scale new type Au-Ag deposit. Most previous researchers believed that it's a Carlin-type Au-Ag deposit, and the ore-forming fluid is composed mainly of meteoric water. (翻译:长坑是新型的贵金属矿床,前人普遍认为其属于卡林型金银,成矿流体主要由大气降水组成。)

10. By far the most abundant type of groundwater is meteoric water; this is the groundwater that circulates as part of the water cycle. (翻译:到目前为止,最丰富的地下水资源是雨水;这是地下水在水循环中的一个环节。)

11. Now his meteoric rise will include a call-up to Fabio Capello's provisional England squad for the friendly with Holland. (翻译:现在他更是得到了卡佩罗的征召要去参加与荷兰队的友谊赛。)

12. Any dissenting investors are probably appeased by the meteoric rise in the company's share price, which has tripled since 2007. (翻译:任何颇有微词的投资者都可能因苹果股价的平步青云而缄口。自xx年以来,苹果股价已上涨两倍。)

13. The secret of Wal-Mart's meteoric rise over the past five decades has been its obsession with low prices. (翻译:沃尔玛过去xx年的飞速崛起,秘诀就在于一直采用低价策略。)

14. Dumbledore's future career seemed likely to be meteoric, and the only question that remained was when he would become Minister of Magic. (翻译:邓布利多的未来似乎在那时就已经注定辉煌,但是长久以来一直有一个疑问,那就是他为什么不去当魔法部部长。)
