抽选用英语怎么说 抽选的英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-14 18:42:45软萌

选英语为"judgement selection",其次还可以说成"sample selection rule",在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到67个与选相关翻译和例句。

抽选用英语怎么说 抽选的英语翻译

1. The tbutes are to be selected.

2. i know where the card were, then i chose it. So another person, another card.

译文:我知牌在哪, 我就这样选出来. 另一位,另一张牌.。

3. With this one there are 20. We'll play Satday.

4. So starting in February, we lnched a basic income demonstration, where for the next 18 months, as a pilot, 130 families, randomly selected, who live in zip codes at or below the median income of the city, are given 500 dollars a month.

译文:所以xx月份开始, 我们开展了基收入示范, 在接下来18个月内, 作为试点,130个随机选家庭, 这些来自城市低收入地区家庭 每个月被分到500美元。

5. into the SS training schools were drawn Aryan-looking volunteers fm the occupied countes, for the SS state was to be not merely German but Eopean.

译文:进入党卫队培训学校 是从被占领国家 选有着雅利安(种族)样貌志愿者, 因为这个党卫队帝国将不仅 是德国 而且是欧洲。

6. Of cose, we could stratify the selection to make se that it matched the socioeconomic and demographic pfile of the country and was a truly representative sample of people.

译文:当然我们会分阶级选, 以确保被到人 和我们国家经济分布 以及人口比例是匹配, 而且是一个代表所有人样。

7. She interviewed 236 randomly selected households in S who had been offered the benefits and 175 randomly selected ones who had not.


8. i thought thatyo fends would have come to say goodbye... Today is Satday. They will be playing.

9. The interviews were given to a random sample of students.
