purin是什么意思 purin的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-14 19:18:45清风凉心

1. 词释:'purin'是“布丁”(pudding)这个甜品的日语音译,也可指“嘌呤”(purine)这种有机化合物。

purin是什么意思 purin的中文翻译、读音、例句

1.1. The purin was smooth and creamy, with a rich caramel flavor.(这份布丁口感柔滑,奶香浓郁,有浓厚的焦糖风味。)

1.2. Purin is a type of dessert commonly found in Japanese cuisine.(布丁是日本料理中常见的一种甜点。)

1.3. Purine is a nitrogen-containing base that is found in DNA and RNA.(嘌呤是一种含氮碱基,存在于DNA和RNA中。)

2. 食谱用语:在料理方面,'purin'常常作为布丁的日语称呼出现,而且在日本,布丁是一种很受欢迎的西式甜点,有很多不同种类的配方和制作方法。

2.1. To make the perfect purin, you must carefully balance the ratio of milk, cream, and sugar.(要做出完美的布丁,你必须仔细平衡牛奶、奶油和糖的比例。)

2.2. This recipe calls for a generous amount of caramel sauce to be poured over the purin.(这个配方要求在布丁上倒入足量的焦糖酱。)

2.3. If you want to make a rich and indulgent purin, try adding some melted chocolate to the batter.(如果你想要做出浓郁、大胆的布丁,可以试着加入一些融化的巧克力到面糊中。)

3. 健康与营养:因为 'purin' 这个词在英语中也意味着嘌呤,因此当涉及到嘌呤含量过多会导致痛风等健康问题时,也需要注意使用这个词的语境。

3.1. If you have gout, it's important to avoid foods that are high in purines, such as red meat and shellfish.(如果你患有痛风,要避免摄入高嘌呤的食物,比如红肉和贝类。)

3.2. Some people are more sensitive to purines than others, and may experience joint pain or other symptoms after eating certain foods.(有些人对嘌呤的敏感度比其他人高,可能会在摄入某些食物后出现关节疼痛或其他症状。)

3.3. While most people can enjoy purine-rich foods in moderation without any problems, those with a history of gout or kidney stones should be cautious.(大多数人可以适量享受富含嘌呤的食物而不会有任何问题,但有痛风或肾结石病史的人应该谨慎。)

4. 文化背景:'purin'这个词深植于日本文化中,布丁在日本的烘焙业和餐饮业中很受欢迎,有着自己的独特传统和扩展创新。

4.1. In Japan, purin is often served in small ceramic jars or ramekins, and garnished with fresh fruit or whipped cream.(在日本,布丁通常用小陶瓷瓶或小碗盛放,上面撒上新鲜水果或打发的奶油。)

4.2. Many Japanese pastry chefs have put their own twist on the clic purin recipe, adding unique flavors like matcha green tea or yuzu citrus.(许多日本糕点师傅都在经典的布丁配方上加入了自己的创意,如抹茶和柚子味等独特口味。)

4.3. Some famous brands in Japan, like Tokyo Milk Cheese Factory, specialize in creating artis purin that are prized for their delicate texture and rich flavor.(日本一些著名品牌,如东京牛奶芝士工房,专门制作精美的布丁,以其纤细的质地和浓郁的风味而受到赞誉。)

5. 语言习惯:'purin'这个词在英语中并不常用,但它作为日语的音译,许多日语词汇和短语中都包含了这个单词或者单词的一部分,因此如果你要学习日语,了解这个单词会有帮助。

5.1. 'Purin desu ka?' is a casual way of asking 'Do you want some pudding?' in Japanese.(“布丁呢?要不要?”是一句日语里问别人要不要吃布丁的随口问候。)

5.2. The word 'purikura' is a combination of 'purinto kurabu,' which means 'print club' in Japanese.(“purikura”这个词是“purinto kurabu”的缩写,意思是“打印俱乐部”。)

5.3. In Japan, it's common to give small gifts or 'omiyage' to friends and family when returning from a trip, often including items like local snacks or purin from a famous bakery.(在日本,当旅行回来时,常常会给亲朋好友带些礼物或“土特产”(omiyage),里面通常包括当地的小吃,或者是一家著名面包店的布丁等。)

'purin'这个词语源自于法语中的crme caramel,是一种甜点,一般由牛奶、鸡蛋和糖制成的。它类似于西班牙甜点'flan',但'purin'的口感更加柔滑,不会那么浓郁。


1. J'ai achet du purin de fumier pour mon jardin. (我买了肥料给我的花园。)

2. Le purin de ortie est une mthode naturelle pour repousser les insectes.(荨麻汁是一种天然方法来驱赶虫子。)

3. Je veux faire un purin de fruit pour servir avec mon gteau. (我想做一个水果酱,和我的蛋糕一起吃。)

4. Mon grand-pre prpare toujours un purin de poisson pour nourrir ses plantes. (我的祖父总是用鱼汁给他的植物喂养。)

5. La texture de ce purin est trs lisse et crmeuse. (这个布丁的质地非常光滑、细腻。)

6. Le purin d'avocat est devenu une nouvelle tendance alimentaire. (鳄梨布丁已经成为一种新的饮食趋势。)

7. Tu devrais essayer le purin de caramel, c'est absolument dlicieux. (你应该尝试一下焦糖布丁,绝对是美味的。)

8. Le purin de lait est souvent utilis comme garniture pour les desserts. (牛奶布丁通常被用作甜点的配料。)

9. Ce restaurant est clbre pour son purin maison. (这家餐厅以它的自制布丁而闻名。)


purin: 帕琳(一种日式甜点,类似于布丁)


purin: [purin]


1. 今天我做了很多甜点,其中包括了我的拿手好戏——purin。

I made a lot of desserts today, including my specialty - purin.

2. 在日本,purin 是一种非常受欢迎的甜点。

Purin is a very popular dessert in Japan.




例句:And yet, we are also separate individuals. We must come to terms with pur struggles alone. (们又是不同的个体,我们必须各自面对自己的奋斗。)


例句:This limitation in time is most clearly seen whether it be an estate held for the life of the tenant, or what is called an estate pur autre vie. (无论是在租户的整个生命周期内持有的房地产,还是所谓的房地产竞争,时间限制是最清晰可见的。)


例句:We enclose a copy of pur product catalogue with detailed specification. (随涵寄上带有详细规格的产品目录一份。)


1. We enclose a copy of pur product catalogue with detailed specification. (翻译:随涵寄上带有详细规格的产品目录一份。)

2. And rope-climb, blind-folded? (翻译:Et jeter les araignes dans la pure?)

3. PUR polyether kind of the sheath control cable, water resistance, oil resistance, resistance to abrasion, ripstop. (翻译:PUR聚醚类外护套控制电缆,抗水解,耐油,耐磨,抗撕裂。)

4. The physical, chemical and technical properties of the PUR pouring material developed were compared with that of the foreign PU200. (翻译:对所研制的聚氨酯灌封料理化性能和工艺性能同进口料PU200进行了比较。)

5. Support the PUR-Q team and QMM department to solve the Supplier Quality Issues and improve supplier Quality Performance. (翻译:配合采购部-质控组和质量部解决供应商质量问题,提高供应商的交货质量水平。)

6. Processor utilization resource-pur register. (翻译:处理器使用率资源——PUR寄存器。)

7. It was several minutes before we realized we were talking at cross-pur-poses. (翻译:过了好几分钟我们才意识到我们说的是两码事。)

8. Every one of pur products are condensed with an enhanced Lebel of personalized care, at any time can meet the diverse needs of ours, being them more comfort and considerate. (翻译:我们的每件产品都凝结着体贴入微的人性化爱,在任何时刻都能满足使用者的多元需求,更为其带去舒适享受与体贴。)

9. Sherpur itself is often jokingly referred to as "Char-pur, " which literally means "City of Loot. " (翻译:而舍尔普人常常开玩笑的把自己称为“Char-pur”,拆开的意思就是“掠夺之城”。)

10. Monitor casting supplier quality KPI. Tackle the quality complain, claim and return pur-chase order in connection with casting supplier. (翻译:监控铸件供应商质量数据,处理因供应商导致的投诉、索赔及退货等。)

11. By one year, the stengths obtainable from pure alite and pur belite are about the same under comparable conditions. (翻译:经过xx年,在可比的条件下,从纯的阿利特和纯的贝利特获得的强度是相同的。)

12. Alniphyllum fortunei is a fast growing broadleaf specie, which has straight stem form and can be used for many pur-poses. (翻译:拟赤杨是一种生长快,干形直,用途广的优良速生阔叶树种。)

13. in man's early days, competition with other creatures must have been critical. but this phase of pur development is now finished. i. (翻译:在人类早期,人类与其他生物的竞争一定是必不可少的。但这个发展阶段已经结束。)
