染青骨科用英语怎么说 染青骨科英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-14 20:34:45しovё冷颜

染青骨科用英语翻译为"orthopedical",还网络中常译为"orthopaedi and tranmatolo",在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到37个与染青骨科相关短语翻译和用法。

1. Give colo to yo happiness. And yo sadness too.

2. Qing is to be given a lavish state bial

染青骨科用英语怎么说 染青骨科英语翻译

3. Bamboo No Bamboo, the policejust came

4. ...dye her hair or something.

5. Other sorts of things. We don't.

6. You're a grade above me... So i should call you Mister.

7. - Aoyagi, you have to think!

8. No, just let it tn grey.

9. it's not his flt. He's the one who tght you this magic, and now he can't contl it.

10. She's an orthopedic sgeon. and...she's still a fox.

11. He relapsed into his old bad habits.

12. - i'll close my eyes and just concentrate.

13. Come on, come on, come on.
