reel是什么意思 reel的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-14 21:12:45自渡

词义:Reel 可以作名词或动词。作名词时,表示卷轴、卷筒、卷轴式录音机等;作动词时,表示摇晃、旋转、摇晃不定等。


reel是什么意思 reel的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. a fishing reel 钓鱼卷轴

2. reel in 收回、缩起

3. reel off 连续说、背诵

4. reel with 令人头晕目眩

短语:reel back 摇摇欲坠、向后仰



1. The film was stored on a reel. 这部电影存储在一个卷轴上。

2. The fisherman reeled in the line. 渔夫收回了钓线。

3. She reeled off the list of things they needed to buy. 她背诵出他们需要购买的东西清单。

4. The room was spinning and I felt like I was about to reel with dizziness. 房间在旋转,我觉得我快要眩晕了。

5. She reeled back in horror as the monster approached her. 怪物向她走近时,她向后仰摇摇欲坠。

6. The dancers spun and reeled to the sound of the music. 舞者们随着音乐的节奏旋转和摇晃。

7. He was so drunk that he was reeling and staggering around the room. 他喝得醉醺醺的,在房间里摇摇晃晃地踉跄着。





1. She reeled backward from the blow. (她在打击中向后摇晃。)

2. The horse reared and I reeled in the saddle. (马踢了一下,我在马鞍上晃动。)

3. The auditorium was decorated with beautiful reels of ribbon. (礼堂用漂亮的丝带卷轴装饰。)

4. He took a reel of fishing line and attached it to the pole. (他拿了一卷钓鱼线,把它系在杆上。)

5. The factory produced 100,000 reels of thread per day. (工厂每天生产10万卷线。)

6. The dancer performed a stunning reel. (舞者跳了一支令人惊叹的舞蹈。)

7. I was so reeled by the news that I couldn't think straight. (我被这个消息震惊到,无法思考。)

8. The room began to reel after I drank too much wine. (我喝了太多的酒,房间开始晕眩。)

9. The film in the old-fashioned camera was wound onto a reel. (老式相机里的胶片被卷到了一个卷轴上。)




1. I need to buy a new fishing reel.


2. He spun the reel and watched the movie.


3. The curtains were pulled up by a mechanism with a reel.


4. The fire hose was quickly reeled out by the firefighters.





例句:I even think we got our very own private full-blown reel of tape. (真正的轨道。我什至觉得 我们得到了我们自己的私人 完全成熟的卷轴磁带。)


例句:I hear that the old reel-to-reel tapes can be quite flammable. (我听说那种老式的盘式磁带非常易燃 I hear that the old reel -to -reel tapes can be quite flammable.)


例句:Collector Morace Park bought the film reel in 2009 because he liked the look of the tin. (收藏家莫里斯.帕克在xx年买到这个电影胶片因为他喜欢这种马口铁皮罐的外表。)


例句:So someone has to switch the projectors at the exact moment that one reel ends and the next one begins. (翻译:所以需要有人精确的 在一卷结束的时候 接上新的一卷)


reel一般作为名词、动词使用,如在reel to reel(卷到卷的)、reel ... in(na. (将上钩的鱼,测程线等)收卷轴拉近[拉起]\n[网络] 收绕钓竿上的钓丝;锡纸;卷线)、reel in(卷, 绕)等常见短语中出现较多。

reel to reel卷到卷的
reel ... inna. (将上钩的鱼,测程线等)收卷轴拉近[拉起]\n[网络] 收绕钓竿上的钓丝;锡纸;卷线
reel in卷, 绕
to reel卷绕
digging reel挖掘转子
drum reel筒式卷取机;筒式卷绕机
Edenborn reel艾登堡式线材卷取机
empty reel盘式机空盘
English reel英式卷纸机


1. Collector Morace Park bought the film reel in 2009 because he liked the look of the tin. (翻译:收藏家莫里斯.帕克在xx年买到这个电影胶片因为他喜欢这种马口铁皮罐的外表。)

2. So someone has to switch the projectors at the exact moment that one reel ends and the next one begins. (翻译:所以需要有人精确的 在一卷结束的时候 接上新的一卷)

3. Collector Morace Park bought the film reel in 2009 because he liked the look of the tin. (翻译:收藏家莫里斯帕克在xx年买到这个电影胶片因为他喜欢这种马口铁皮罐的外表。)

4. I called Mr. Caruso about watching my reel. (翻译:我打电话给Caruso先生 关于我的自拍片.)

5. A popular longways is called the Virginia reel. (翻译:其中一种流行的纵队舞叫维吉尼亚里尔舞。)

6. The reel comes complete with a set of spares for all the working parts. (翻译:那个卷轴配有一套所有运行部件的备用件。)

7. I'll reel and I'll fall, but I'll rise on cod'ine. (翻译:我将旋转,我将倒下,但是我会起来,只要有了.)

9. The child could reel off many poems of the Tang Dynasty at the age of five. (翻译:这孩子xx岁时就能把许多唐诗倒背如流。)

10. Well, pull in your reel, Mr Fielding. You're barking up the wrong fish. (翻译:你可以把钓竿收起来了 我这条鱼不合你的胃口)

11. Matt, we cracked Yamamoto's code, but we can't just reel it off. (翻译:我们译出了山本的密码,不过 这不意味我们完全明白他们的意思)

12. In 1769, Richard Arkwright invented a spinning reel. (翻译:xx年,理查德阿克莱特发明了卷轴纺纱机。)

13. We made on your digital camera as, like, part of my acting reel. (翻译:我们对您的数码相机, 如,我的演技卷轴的一部分。)

14. The musicians burst into a rousing rendition of "Paddy Casey's Reel." (翻译:这些音乐家演绎了《帕迪凯西的里尔舞曲》。)

15. And when the fishermen move off, the crows fly down, reel up the lines, and eat the fish or the bait. (翻译:它们就飞过去拉起钓钩,吃掉钩上的鱼或钓饵。)


