hosa是什么意思 英文名hosa[何沙]的翻译、发音、来源

生活学习2023-07-14 22:28:45乐露


hosa是什么意思 英文名hosa[何沙]的翻译、发音、来源





例句:They accepted Shinohara's case... and settled on rewriting HOS back to conventional OS. (并作成将HOS改回旧的OS程序 列为优先进行作业的决议)


例句:! HOS is a revolutionary OS, and it has monopolized the field. (HOS是筱原重工为了独占市场 而推出的优秀OS)


例句:But 80% of registered Labors carry HOS... (可是,HOS的装机率 在已登录的LABOR之中占有80%以上)


例句:Even Shinohara itself doesn't have a complete grasp on the matter. (翻译:筱原重工本身还没有 完全把HOS的搞清楚)


hosa一般作为名词使用,如在Hosa'ina([地名] 侯赛纳 ( 埃塞 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

Hosa'ina[地名] 侯赛纳 ( 埃塞 )


1. But 80% of registered Labors carry HOS... (翻译:可是,HOS的装机率 在已登录的LABOR之中占有80%以上)

2. Even Shinohara itself doesn't have a complete grasp on the matter. (翻译:筱原重工本身还没有 完全把HOS的搞清楚)

3. To prevent any unnecessary panic this process will be carried out... and described as a rewrite to a new version of HOS, free of charge. (翻译:此外,从为了避免造成 无谓混乱的立场看来 他也已经宣布将免费更换新版的HOS)

4. You said HOS or any computers that came in contact with it, right? (翻译:你刚才说HOS以及HOS接触过的 所有电脑都已经被感染 这样的话...)

5. the increase in runaway cases began two months ago... coinciding with the date HOS was released. (翻译:失控事故开始频繁发生时 是在约两个月前开始的 这跟HOS发表的时间也刚好吻合)

6. with machines than with their wives. Your company's HOS, is it safe? (翻译:我诚心诚意的问你 你们的HOS真的没有问题吧?)

7. If there's a relation between HOS and the runaways... then the 98's are also at risk. (翻译:除非能实际证明失控跟HOS没有关系 否则连98式都很危险的)

8. During the year, 12307 flats and 3180 flats were sold under the HOS and PSPS, respectively. (翻译:年内,居屋计划及私人参建计划分别售出12307个及3180个单位。)

9. Just like he wanted, Labor OS is now dominated by HOS... and that's what's gonna kill Shinohara Industries. (翻译:一切如他的计划 LABOR的OS清一色使用了HOS 反倒成了筱原的致命伤了)

10. Just when we started sniffing around HOS... (翻译:因为搜查的重点 已经开始指向HOS那边去了)

11. Lay around on the couch all day, sleeping and watching TV and eating Ho-Hos? (翻译:在沙发上趟一整天,睡觉、看电视、吃奶油饼干? )

12. Givin' vampire blood to Jason is like givin' Ho Hos to a diabetic. (翻译:给Jason吸血鬼之血 跟给糖尿病人蛋糕没两样)

13. There were about 10,000 HOS flats completed but they had not yet been put up for sale. (翻译:大约有一万个已落成的居屋单位尚未发售。)

14. As a matter of fact, Project Babylon's construction time has been reduced by 30%. (翻译:而且还因为HOS的登场 让巴比伦计划的工期更加缩短...)

15. It's also the first designed to be run entirely by HOS. (翻译:它应该算是第一次 针对HOS所设计的新机种 这样形容应该比较恰当)
