毕业了用英语怎么说 毕业了的英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-15 09:32:45长圆(长河落日圆)

毕业了在英语中翻译是" Graduate",还经常被译作 We are graduated,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到33个与毕业了相关短语释义和例句。

Name of Institution Awarding or Expected to Award XXX's Degree ( 毕业了或正在读都写 )

毕业了用英语怎么说 毕业了的英语翻译

Graduated today Today's graduation Graduation today ( 今天毕业了 )

Grads Tned Village Heads ( 大学毕业了 )

I graduate next year Graduated next year Next year I graduated ( 下xx年我就毕业了 )

University graduate What college graduate He graduated fm the university ( 大学毕业了么 )

You graduated fm college yet Did you graduate When you graduate fm college Yo university grad( 你大学毕业了吗 )

I graduated fm college I was graduated ( 我毕业了 )

1. - And you graduated? - Yes, sir.

2. i was valedictoan and expected to give an address.

3. Graduation's just nd the corner.

4. She's leaving school next year

5. We were all sent to different high schools.

6. He's graduating early after all.

7. i'll be graduating this year.

8. Except in my case, i actually graduated.

9. And somebody just graduated.

10. i told her it's a waste becse it's so close to graduation.

11. About to graduate, you can't n read, dumb ass. Can too read.

12. He will graduate this year.

13. You did it. You graduated.

14. We're going to graduate soon

15. - We are out of contl! Dude, that's not happening.
