和气生财用英语怎么说 和气生财英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-15 11:26:44

和气生财通常被翻译为"Harmony bngs wealth."意思,还可以翻译为Cheek bngs success.,在《英语A实用语法词典》中,共找到69个与和气生财相关短语翻译和用法。

和气生财用英语怎么说 和气生财英语翻译

1. Yes, you should live peacefully.

2. - Everyone is very nice here. - Good. Good.

3. it's also tastes and ells.

4. He has his reasons for this, so let's get along with him.

5. Becse of the noise and odo?

6. Follow the rules, and nobody gets ht?

7. Ash. There are easier ways to earn a living.

8. Oh, and, no hard feelings by the way.

9. i may finally have found a way to make us some real money aund here,

10. We may dissolve it with the minimum of discomfort.

11. i've seen a lot of both... hate and anger.

12. i'm se you'll have a marvelous time. Mom is going all out now that

13. We all know you're not going to make a fortune out of snorkeling.
