pinball是什么意思 pinball的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-15 18:52:44妓术总奸

1. 词义:弹球游戏

2. 词性:名词

pinball是什么意思 pinball的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. 词组搭配:play pinball(玩弹球游戏)、pinball machine(弹球机)

4. 短语:无

5. 发音拼写:['pnbl]


1. My favorite arcade game is pinball.(我最喜欢的街机游戏是弹球。)

2. The pinball machine at the bar is always occupied.(酒吧里的弹球机总是被占用。)

3. When I was a kid, I would spend hours playing pinball with my friends.(小时候,我会和朋友们玩弹球游戏几个小时。)

4. The pinball table was in good condition and the lights were bright.(弹球桌的状态很好,灯光很亮。)

5. You have to be quick and strategic to play pinball well.(要想玩好弹球游戏,就必须快速且有策略性。)




1. I love playing pinball in the arcade.(我喜欢在游戏厅玩弹珠机。)

2. My uncle has a vintage pinball machine in his bat.(我叔叔的地下室里有一台古老的弹珠机。)

3. Pinball games were popular in the 1970s.(在20世纪xx年代,弹珠游戏很受欢迎。)

4. She scored 10,000 points in one round of pinball.(她在一轮弹珠游戏中得了1万分。)

5. Pinball is a fun and challenging game.(弹珠机是一款有趣又具有挑战性的游戏。)

6. The pinball machine was broken and needed to be repaired.(弹珠机坏了,需要维修。)

7. They spent hours playing pinball at the arcade.(他们在游戏厅里玩弹珠机玩了几个小时。)

8. He has a collection of vintage pinball machines in his garage.(他在车库里收藏了一些古老的弹珠机。)

9. Kids used to love playing pinball before video games became popular.(在电子游戏变得流行之前,孩子们都喜欢玩弹珠机。)




1. He spent hours playing pinball in the arcade. (他在游戏厅里花了好几个小时玩弹球游戏。)

2. Pinball machines were very popular in the 1970s. (在xx年代,弹球游戏机非常受欢迎。)

3. The sound effects in modern pinball machines are amazing. (现代弹球游戏机的音效非常惊人。)




例句:So, having fun is more than just having a pinball machine in the office. (所以,享受乐趣不仅仅是 在办公室放个弹珠机器。)


例句:A few musicians were hanging around after a gig at the Legion and were dropping nickels in the pinball machine. (乐团的一些音乐人演出后在那儿消磨时间,往弹球机里投币。)


例句:But consistently pleasing two former pinball salesmen turns out to be a high hurdle indeed. (But consistently pleasing two former pinball salesmen 但始终令人愉悦的两位前弹球推销员 turns out to be a high hurdle indeed.)


例句:You collect rare pinball machines, right? (翻译:你在收藏那些稀有的弹珠机 是吗? You collect rare pinball machines, right?)


pinball一般作为名词使用,如在pinball machine(n. 钉球机, 弹球机)、pinball machines([网络] 弹球机;弹珠台;弹珠机类)、Pinball Wizard([网络] 弹珠巫师;弹球巫师;钢球电玩高手)等常见短语中出现较多。

pinball machinen. 钉球机, 弹球机
pinball machines[网络] 弹球机;弹珠台;弹珠机类
Pinball Wizard[网络] 弹珠巫师;弹球巫师;钢球电玩高手


1. But consistently pleasing two former pinball salesmen turns out to be a high hurdle indeed. (翻译:But consistently pleasing two former pinball salesmen 但始终令人愉悦的两位前弹球推销员 turns out to be a high hurdle indeed.)

2. You collect rare pinball machines, right? (翻译:你在收藏那些稀有的弹珠机 是吗? You collect rare pinball machines, right?)

3. Look, Nuke... these big-league hitters are going to light you up like a pinball machine... for a while, all right? (翻译:记着 纽克... 大联盟的打者会把你的球 当成是弹球机上出来的轻松处理掉)

4. She lit up like a pinball machine... when she found out your novel was getting published. (翻译:她容光焕发象个弹球机... 在她听说你的小说要出版的时候。)

5. Next woman takes me on is gonna light up like a pinball machine and pay off in silver dollars. (翻译:下一个的女人会像游戏机 一样亮起来,真是值得)

6. But if you don't have a plan to start with, you'll run the risk of being bounced around like a ball in a pinball machine. (翻译:但是如果你一开始便没有计划,你就可能会像小球在弹球机里面乱蹦一样毫无头绪。)

7. At the Pacific Pinball Expo I caught him playing one of his very own, the Black Night. (翻译:在太平洋弹球世博会抓到他打我,他自己的一,黑之夜。)

8. A few musicians were hanging around after a gig at the Legion and were dropping nickels in the pinball machine. (翻译:乐团的一些音乐人演出后在那儿消磨时间,往弹球机里投币。)

9. He spends his time at pinball and mahjong. (翻译:他把他所有的时间 花在玩弹珠游戏和麻将上)

10. A year later, he came out with the second part ofthe trilogy, "Pinball, 1973. " (翻译:第xx年,三部曲中的第二部《xx年的弹子球》出版。)

11. If it weren't for Luther, I'd still be hustling pinball at Gianelli's. (翻译:要不是路德,我可能 还在甘尼利的撞球室骗人呢)

12. This goes beyond just enjoying your job, this goes beyond having a pinball machine in the office. (翻译:这不仅仅是享受你的工作, 这不止是在办公室 放置一个弹球机器。)

13. - Let's go play pinball. - No, I'll wait a bit longer. (翻译:我们一起出去狂欢吧 不 不 我还在这里等一会)

14. Instead of wiping down the beer cooler. (翻译:likes to play pinball 而不是擦洗啤酒冷却机 instead of wiping down the beer cooler.)

15. When I met Jesse, we were playing pinball. I was winning. (翻译:我第一次遇到Jesse 我们去打了弹球 不用说 我本来就要赢了)


