年菜用英语怎么说 年菜的英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-16 06:26:43忆童

年菜英语可以这样说:sumptuous food and dishes prepared for the lunar New Year,在《英语发音在线词典》中,共找到34个与年菜相关释义和例句。

5. sumptuous food and dishes prepared for the lunar New Year

年菜用英语怎么说 年菜的英语翻译

年菜翻译为sumptuous food and dishes prepared for the lunar New Year。


People fm north and south China eat different foods on this special occasion, and many New Year foods are symbolic.

do spng festival shopping ( 买年菜 )

when you are young ( 副热带少年菜 )

Manzu Literate ( 有一道年菜叫辣菜 )

Perennial vegetable permanent vegetable ( 多年生蔬菜 )

major styles of cooking ( 各年夜菜系 )

annual vegetable cp ( xx年生蔬菜作物 园艺 )

5. How many years have i been cooking

5. i was a cook for years in Brazil.

5. We don't need no middle- aged okies.

译文:我们不需要中年菜鸟 We don't need no middle -aged okies.。

5. Can you imagine that Judge sending me a middle-aged okie?

译文:法官居然找了一个中年菜鸟来 Can you imagine that Judge sending me a middle -aged okie。
