亚当斯敦用英语怎么说 亚当斯敦英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-16 13:06:43百日醉

亚当斯敦在英语中翻译是"adams",还经常被译作Samuel Adams,在《英汉简明词典》中,共找到67个与亚当斯敦相关短语释义和例句。

亚当斯敦用英语怎么说 亚当斯敦英语翻译

1. Samuel Adams( 亚当斯;山缪亚当斯;塞缪尔亚当斯)

1. Betiful, Miss Adams. Just betiful.

3. The sale was handled by Adams Commercial.

4. Washington, Madison, Adamson...

5. General Adams, the Earth's core is sece.

6. - it was Adams, of cose.

7. My bther Fredo, this is Kay Adams.

8. Perhaps Mr. Adams is meditating on his response.

9. No one is calling you a liar, Mr. Adams.
