clapping是什么意思 clapping的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-16 22:04:42夜芹

clapping是什么意思 clapping的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:clapping是动词clap的现在分词形式,表示拍手或鼓掌的动作。

2. 词性:clapping是名词,可表示拍手或鼓掌的响声。

3. 词组搭配:clapping hands(拍手)、clapping game(手掌游戏)、clapping rhythm(鼓掌的节奏)等。

4. 短语:none。

5. 发音拼写:/klp/


1. 观众们不停的鼓掌欢呼。

The audience kept clapping and cheering.

2. 她无声地鼓掌庆祝自己的胜利。

She clapped silently to celebrate her victory.

3. 在演唱会上,人们热情的拍着手。

People were clapping enthusiastically at the concert.

4. 她的演讲结束时,听众们起立鼓掌致意。

At the end of her speech, the audience stood up and clapped in appreciation.

5. 小孩子们在操场上玩着鼓掌游戏。

The children were playing a clapping game on the playground.



1. The audience burst into loud clapping as the magician disappeared behind the curtain.(观众在魔术师消失在幕布之后爆发出热烈的掌声。)

2. The crowd broke into a rhythmic clapping, creating an electric atmosphere at the concert.(人群开始有节奏地鼓起掌来,为音乐会营造出电力般的氛围。)

3. We gave her a round of clapping for her inspiring speech.(我们为她振奋人心的演讲鼓起了掌。)

4. The sound of clapping could be heard from the neighboring apartment where a party was going on.(从隔壁公寓传来了鼓掌声,那里正在举行派对。)

5. The children were jumping up and down, clapping their hands in excitement.(孩子们激动地跳来跳去,不停地鼓起双手。)

6. The politician continued speaking despite a mixture of clapping and jeering from the audience.(尽管观众掌声和嘘声掺杂在一起,但家仍在继续演讲。)

7. The performers took a bow after receiving a standing ovation and thunderous clapping.(表演者在得到起立鼓掌和雷鸣般的掌声之后鞠躬致谢。)

8. The students clapped along to the music as they marched in the parade.(学生们在中随着音乐鼓起掌来。)

9. The host asked the audience to give a warm round of clapping to welcome the special guest.(主持人要求观众进行热烈的掌声,以欢迎特别嘉宾。)





1. The audience burst into loud clapping as the performer took a bow.


2. I heard clapping coming from the other room and realized that my sister had won the game.


3. The teacher encouraged the students to give their clmates a round of clapping for their excellent presentations.





例句:And at the end, they went crazy, clapping. They were clapping. (曲子结束的时候,他们都狂呼了起来,鼓掌。他们在鼓掌,)


例句:Somebody somewhere, a group of people, starts clapping in rhythm with my steps. (一些地方的一群人, 开始跟着我脚步的节奏拍手。)


例句:With dance and music, with rhythm and clapping ({\1cH00FFFF\i1}就可以激励整个世界)


例句:Gus came in through the back door, clapping lime dust from his hands, smiling. (翻译:格斯从后面进来,微笑着拍拍手上的石灰粉。)


clapping一般作为名词、动词使用,如在hand clapping([网络] 拍一拍手;拍拍手)、musical clapping board(搭板)等常见短语中出现较多。

hand clapping[网络] 拍一拍手;拍拍手
musical clapping board搭板


1. With dance and music, with rhythm and clapping (翻译:{\1cH00FFFF\i1}就可以激励整个世界)

2. Gus came in through the back door, clapping lime dust from his hands, smiling. (翻译:格斯从后面进来,微笑着拍拍手上的石灰粉。)

3. Somebody somewhere, a group of people, starts clapping in rhythm with my steps. (翻译:一些地方的一群人, 开始跟着我脚步的节奏拍手。)

4. And to see all the people coming out to greet me and standing along the cliff tops and clapping and cheering, I just felt like a movie star. (翻译:所有的人都跑过来向我问候 人们站在悬崖顶上鼓掌和唤呼 我觉得自己像电影明星)

5. But it is what I have decided and let that be an end to it. (ALL CHEERING AND CLAPPING) May I get you some refreshment, Miss Day? (翻译:但是我已经决定了 就别再提了 我给你弄点吃的来好吗 Day?)

6. Of course, in international relations, it's not just the sound of one hand clapping. (翻译:当然,在国际关系中 一个巴掌是拍不响的 )

7. [clapping] [speaking English] We're here at Senkwekwe Center in Rumangabo... where we have four orphan gorillas. (翻译:Andre Bauma 大猩猩看护 这里是位于Rumangabo的 Senkwekwe保护中心 我们在这里养护着四只孤儿大猩猩)

8. But my favorite one was just when the hand was open, because I work with kids, and so all the time you're clapping and singing, so I was able to do that again, which was really good. (翻译:最喜欢的是就这么摊着手 因为我和孩子们打交道 所以总是在唱歌或者拍手 现在我能做这些了真好 )

9. Clapping drowned the speaker's words for a moment. (翻译:掌声盖过了发言人的说话声有一阵儿。)

10. I called Castro a Red in 1958 when people like you... were clapping hands over every move he made, and I say it about Deong. (翻译:我在xx年时就将 称为,而当时人们像你一样... 给他每个举动鼓掌叫好, 今天我也这么说狄扬)

11. The first one-year program are the children as "61" sectio nof the clapping song rehearsal. (翻译:第一个节目是xx年级的小朋友为“六一”节排练的拍手歌。)

12. He came on stage amid clapping and cheering. (翻译:他在掌声和欢呼声中走上舞台。)

13. I walk into this diner, and everybody starts clapping. (翻译:我去一家餐厅 然后每个人开始鼓掌 I walk into this diner, and everybody starts clapping.)

14. But my favorite one was just when the hand was open, because I work with kids, and so all the time you're clapping and singing, so I was able to do that again, which was really good. (翻译:最喜欢的是就这么摊着手 因为我和孩子们打交道 所以总是在唱歌或者拍手 现在我能做这些了真好)

15. And we're sitting there, and I hear [clapping] from a distance, so I look over. (翻译:我们就坐在那里,我听见不远处……的声音 )
