灭火飞机用英语怎么说 灭火飞机英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-17 06:42:42飞柏


灭火飞机用英语怎么说 灭火飞机英语翻译

1. He says to put out the flares!

2. Air tankers are often used to thousands of gallons of water and retardant onto fires.

3. EBM aesol fire extinguishing agent is a new type of fire extinguishing agents of high efficiency, its efficiency is higher than that of Halons.


4. i like the fire extinguishers.

5. Go, get the fire extinguisher.

6. Bng me that fire extinguisher.

7. Smothers the fire with a blanket if clothes get fire.

8. He thought better of it and extinguished the fire using this canister.

9. [Seth] Would you like to put out the fire, sir?

10. - Been fighting' fires all day.

11. Extinguishers. Larry, you got a fire extinguisher?

12. We haven't got any fire extinguishers.

13. And that's the water spnkler thing.
