科里亚用英语怎么说 科里亚的英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-17 19:08:41笑梅


Cryad Shne Moonglade Cryad Shne ( 科里亚得神殿 )

1. The people of Coralia adapted themselves to underwater existence.

科里亚用英语怎么说 科里亚的英语翻译

2. The family Anatidae could be classified into o subfamilies , Ansenae and Anatinae.

3. Remember how Kolya threatened to kill her?

4. A bird of the suborder Oscines.

5. Kolya, i'm ready when you are.

6. Kolya, just take him. i can come along too.

7. ilya Gnko,Narcotl Be.

8. Hi. Kolya's taking Roma to school.

9. Kolya, are you going out ting or something?

10. You think it's that loser Kolya?

11. - How true. Not in the Cmea. You're fm Cmea?

12. - Went to the country with Kolia.

13. Kolya, have you packed yo suitcases?

14. He says, "Kolya, dear, my poor thing! Why are you tortung youself like this?

15. This was Corlea Gardens, where we lived.
