rescued是什么意思 rescued的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-21 11:38:37深冬入心

rescued是什么意思 rescued的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:rescued指的是被解救、拯救或营救出困境的人或事物。

2. 词性:过去分词。

3. 词组搭配:be rescued from(从……中解救出来)、rescue mission(营救任务)等。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:[rskju:d]


1. The firefighters rescued the cat from a burning building. (消防员从失火的建筑中营救出了猫。)

2. The stranded hiker was rescued by a helicopter team. (滞留的徒步旅行者被一支直升机队救出了。)

3. The coast guard rescued the sailors from the sinking ship. (海岸警卫队从正在沉没的船上救出了船员。)

4. The trapped miners were successfully rescued after several days. (被困矿工经过几天的救援,最终成功获救。)

5. The animal shelter rescued and cared for abandoned dogs and cats. (动物收容所拯救并照顾被遗弃的狗猫。)

英 [reskjud] 美 [rskjud]



1. The firefighters rescued the cat from the burning building.


2. The stranded hikers were rescued by a helicopter.


3. The famous doctor rescued many children from the disease.





例句:Do you need to be rescued? (你需要被援救吗? Why? Do you need to be rescued?)


例句:Another man was rescued as he clung to the riverbank. (另一个男人因为紧紧抓住了河堤而被救了。)


例句:Granted, katherine wasn't in there to be rescued, But why dwell? (可是Katherine没在里面等著我救 但又何苦老纠结呢?)


例句:THE FIREFIGHTERS WHO RESCUED ME AND MY WIFE. (翻译:好吧 我叫Fred Carlisle 我妻子叫Veronica)


1. Granted, katherine wasn't in there to be rescued, But why dwell? (翻译:可是Katherine没在里面等著我救 但又何苦老纠结呢?)

2. THE FIREFIGHTERS WHO RESCUED ME AND MY WIFE. (翻译:好吧 我叫Fred Carlisle 我妻子叫Veronica)

3. A yachtsman got into trouble off the coast and had to be rescued. (翻译:一个驾驶帆船的人在海上遇险需要救援。)

4. Finally, Abe and Fanny were rescued. (翻译:最终,艾贝和范妮被营救出来了。)

5. We're not going to be rescued by the hyper-car; we're not going to be rescued by alternative fuels. (翻译:我们既不会被氢动力汽车拯救,也不会被替代燃料拯救 )

6. Many of the birds here were rescued from smugglers. (翻译:这里大部分的鸟 都是从贩子那里救出来的)

7. He rescued a child from drowning. (翻译:他救起了一名落水儿童。)

8. - What would have happened if we were rescued? (翻译:- 原来是你杀死他们 - 要是我们获救... ...会发生什么事?)

9. You're saying the man we rescued isn't Lennox? (翻译:就是说我们就的那个人不是雷诺克斯特工本人?)

10. But I beg you to let the women and children be rescued. (翻译:首先放了我以外的孩子和女人吧 恳切的请求你了)

11. She had despaired of ever being rescued alive. (翻译:她那时对获救生还已经绝望了。)

12. The soldiers rescued many people in Tangshan. (翻译:{\1cHFF8000}对唐山人有恩啊)

13. They were eventually rescued by helicopter. (翻译:他们最后被直升机救走了。)

14. Everybody was rescued except Dr. Worley. (翻译:除过Worley医生以外每个人都获救了.)

15. [Laughing] where this morning a local boywas rescued by this gallant-- (翻译:在那今天早上 当地的一个男孩得救于这个勇敢的...)


