stoked是什么意思 stoked的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-21 14:28:37雁风

1. 词语含义:

stoked是什么意思 stoked的中文翻译、读音、例句


2. 用法:


3. 派生词:

'stoked'没有固定的派生词,但是与之相关的单词包括'stoking',用来描述某人正在体验‘stoked’的状态;以及'stoke up',用来表示‘加强’、‘激发’某种状态。


1. I am absolutely stoked about the new job offer.(我非常兴奋有这个新工作的机会。)

2. The surfer was stoked to catch a huge wave.(冲浪者非常兴奋能够抓到这么大的浪。)

3. The audience was stoked by the amazing performance.(观众对于这场惊人的表演感到非常激动。)

4. The team is stoked to finally make it to the championship.(团队终于有机会参加锦标赛,他们感到非常兴奋。)

5. I’m absolutely stoked to be able to visit Europe next month.(我非常兴奋下个月能够去欧洲旅行。)




1. I am totally stoked for the concert tonight. (我对今晚的音乐会非常兴奋。)

2. The surfers were stoked to see the huge waves.(冲浪者们很兴奋地看到了巨浪。)

3. She was stoked to receive a promotion at work.(她很激动地得知在工作上晋升了。)




例句:"Hey, Dad, I really want to marry All," like, wouldn't you be so stoked for that? (老爸,我想跟全部结婚 那你肯定很开心吧?)


例句:He stoked up the fire in the hearth. (他给壁炉里的火添柴。)


例句:Now, listen, normal kids would have been stoked to slack off, but not you guys, because you're not normal. (现在大家听好 换了普通的孩子早就偷懒去了 但你们没有 因为你们 不是普通的孩子 你们是特别的)


例句:But believe me, the epidemic of the plague is only a rumor, no doubt stoked by Catherine de Medici's people. (翻译:相信我吧。所谓瘟疫横行只是谣言而已,无疑是凯瑟琳德梅第奇的手下在煽风点火。)


stoked一般作为形容词、动词使用,如在stoked up(饱吃一顿)等常见短语中出现较多。

stoked up饱吃一顿


1. Now, listen, normal kids would have been stoked to slack off, but not you guys, because you're not normal. (翻译:现在大家听好 换了普通的孩子早就偷懒去了 但你们没有 因为你们 不是普通的孩子 你们是特别的)

2. But believe me, the epidemic of the plague is only a rumor, no doubt stoked by Catherine de Medici's people. (翻译:相信我吧。所谓瘟疫横行只是谣言而已,无疑是凯瑟琳德梅第奇的手下在煽风点火。)

3. I was completely stoked about this mission. (翻译:之前我还对那什么使命干劲十足呢 I was completely stoked about this mission.)

4. So he was pretty stoked, and he was running around the lab telling everyone that he was going to go on "Oprah" with his big discovery. (翻译:他兴奋得不得了 在实验室里跑跑跳跳 告诉每一个人他就要带着他的研究成果 上奥普拉的脱口秀了。)

5. Mr. Aznar's refusal to discuss more regional autonomy had stoked separatist sentiment. (翻译:阿斯纳斯先生曾因拒绝进一步加大区域自治权的谈判而激怒了分离主义分子。)

6. Almost all of al Carbon's menu is prepared on a grill stoked by chunks of wood, which gives the food a pleasing smokiness. (翻译:铝碳餐厅里几乎所有的菜单是由木材准备的,这使得这种食物有一种的烟熏烧烤味。)

7. - What are you so stoked about? (翻译:什么事让你这么荡漾 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000}What are you so stoked about?)

8. I mean, I'm completely and utterly stoked to be, you know, part of that legacy. I'm so pleased. (翻译:我的意思是,我完全地,而且彻底地热衷。你知道的,成为遗产的一部份,我很高兴。)

9. The kids were happy, the crowds were stoked. (翻译:孩子们很高兴,周围的人也兴奋起来了。)

10. The fierce ambition behind his rise was stoked by his status as an outsider. (翻译:奥斯佩尔的局外人身份,激发了他追逐升迁的勃勃野心。)

11. like many religious idols , she was openly abused and ridiculed , in her case by the same press that stoked the public worship of her. (翻译:就像很多的偶像,她公开地被指责与嘲笑,以黛妃来说,同一家新闻报社也会报导大众对她的崇敬。)

12. And Dr. Brennan will be so stoked to see all the injuries. (翻译:Brennan痴硂端穦砍灸)

13. Your publisher is gonna be stoked. (翻译:出版商会高兴死的 Your publisher is gonna be stoked.)

14. I would be stoked to start on... (翻译:No, I can start Monday. I would be stoked to start on...)

15. Cool, great. We're fourth. I'm stoked. (翻译:- 噢 天啊 脱胎换骨 简直是变了个人似的)


