revenue是什么意思 revenue的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-21 18:02:36凌烟


revenue是什么意思 revenue的中文翻译、读音、例句



- generate/earn/receive revenue: 获得收益

- increase/reduce revenue: 增加/减少收益

- government revenue: 收入

- corporate revenue: 公司收入

- advertising revenue: 广告收入


- revenue stream: 收益来源

- revenue growth: 收益增长



1. The company's revenue has increased significantly in the past year.(这家公司的收入在过去xx年里大幅增长。)

2. The government relies on tax revenue to fund public services.(依赖税收收入来资助公共服务。)

3. The hotel's revenue suffered due to the pandemic-related travel restrictions.(由于与疫情有关的旅行限制,这家酒店的收入受到了影响。)

4. The revenue from our e-commerce site has been steadily growing.(我们的电子商务站点的收益一直在稳步增长。)

5. The company's total revenue for the year was $5 million.(该公司全年的总收入为500万美元。)

6. The government is considering new ways to increase revenue.(正在考虑新的增加收益的方式。)

7. The company's revenue model is based on a subscription service.(该公司的收益模式基于订阅服务。)


中文翻译:收入, 收益,税收等。



1. The company's revenue grew by 10% compared to last year.


2. The government relies heavily on tax revenue to fund public services.


3. The decline in tourism has resulted in a significant loss of revenue for local businesses.


revenue在英语中代表"收入 、岁入"的意思,还经常被翻译为组织的,单词读音音标为['revinju:],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到27个与revenue相关的句子。



例句:CA: But that was a significant percentage of the revenue of the company at that time. (CA:但那笔钱占到了公司当时 营收的很大一部分。)


例句:Let's go back to that Adsense revenue example. (让我们回到Adsense收入的例子。)


例句:billion a year in revenue. (billion a year in revenue.)


例句:Profound Factors to Increase Revenue Quickly in Hede Town, Sheyang County ? (翻译:射阳县合德镇财政收入快速增长的奥秘何在。)


revenue一般作为名词使用,如在the revenue(税收)、differential revenue([经] 差别(差量)收入)、earmarked revenue(指定用途的收入)等常见短语中出现较多。

the revenue税收
differential revenue[经] 差别(差量)收入
earmarked revenue指定用途的收入
earned revenue[经] 已赚营业收入
domanial revenue管业收入
dividend revenue[财]股利收入
divisible revenue可予分配的收益
equal revenue[劳经] 等收入
estimate of revenueun. 收入概算
estimate revenue[经] 收(岁)入预算数, 估计营业收入, 收入预计数


1. billion a year in revenue. (翻译:billion a year in revenue.)

2. Profound Factors to Increase Revenue Quickly in Hede Town, Sheyang County ? (翻译:射阳县合德镇财政收入快速增长的奥秘何在。)

3. The only problem is that the tax on tobacco is a major source of revenue for the government. (翻译:但问题是 税是税收主要来源 The only problem is that the tax is a major source of revenue for the government.)

4. If they overestimate, they lose revenue. (翻译:如果他们过高地估算,就会损失收入。)

5. Temporals provided the church's revenue . (翻译:教会的收入来自世俗事务。)

6. The first is that fines have never been a stable source of revenue. (翻译:首先,罚金从来都 不是一个稳定的财源。)

7. While year over year, revenue continues to climb... operating costs are higher than ever. (翻译:虽然年复xx年 收入逐年攀升... While year over year, revenue continues to climb... 但运营成本也前所未有地高 operating costs are higher than ever.)

8. The revenue management of state-owned resources compensable use is significant but still a weak link of non-tax revenue management in China. (翻译:国有资源有偿使用收入管理意义重大,但目前仍是我国非税收入管理中的薄弱环节。)

9. For NTES, it means additional revenue and net income. (翻译:对于网易,这意味着更多的收入和净收入。)

10. It would bring in revenue for the city. (翻译:会大幅增加城市税收 It would bring in revenue for the city.)

11. In Australia 60% of tax revenue is raised from such levies. (翻译:澳大利亚的所得税占经济总量的60%。)

12. Year 8, profits and revenue both go up, but not at a comparable fashion. (翻译:xx年前 利润和总收入都涨了 Year 8, profits and revenue both go up, 但是不是按比例涨的 X不再对得上Y but not at a comparable fashion.)

13. In 2013, Midol took in 48 million dollars in sales revenue. (翻译:xx年, Midol获得了 4800万美元的销售收入。)

14. Investment revenue is recorded when dividends are declared by the investee. (翻译:投资收益在被投资方宣告分派股利时进行记录。)

15. It had 663m registered users last December and made $860m in revenue in 2010, implying revenue per user of a mere $1. 30. (翻译:去年xx月,Skype已拥有6.63亿注册用户和8.6亿美元的收入,这意味着平均每位用户只能给其带来1.3美元的收益。)


