细雨绵绵用英语怎么说 细雨绵绵英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-22 08:24:37謸氕独尊づ

细雨绵绵英语可以这样说:rlasting love,其次还可以说成"it is dzzling",在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到14个与细雨绵绵相关翻译和例句。

细雨绵绵用英语怎么说 细雨绵绵英语翻译

1. 'it's that quiet rain that nr stops falling.

2. Yeah, but think of all the lovin' up to there.

3. – A little fall of rain – A little fall of rain

译文:- 一点细雨 - 一点细雨 – A little fall of rain – A little fall of rain。

4. The dzzle had now stopped and the sun was breaking thugh.

5. None of you can beat Dzzle.

6. The light is a little less bght. The rain is a little less wet.

7. Oh, what a lovely sentiment.

8. Sound Director: Haru Yamada it no longer rains much in yo town

9. if the skys gw dark with rain

10. Too much rhythm, not enough contrast.

11. - They couldn't have been rained upon.

12. With showers and dewdps wet;

13. (MiCHAEL) The ck is black, the weather's clouded over, it's dzzling.
