鬼打墙用英语怎么说 鬼打墙的英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-22 16:44:36未成眠

鬼打墙英语是" enter nowhere",其次还可以说成" Hallucii",在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到68个与鬼打墙相关短语释义和例句。

译文:我打给朗尼 修好墙... 或许过几年 我们再考虑扩建。

鬼打墙用英语怎么说 鬼打墙的英语翻译

1. Yet, the wind and rain beat their thin faces pitiless .

2. You're with the fry wall. With the fry wall now.

3. He can do this thing where he bangs his head ght against the wall, and he doesn't get ht.

4. Then start breakin' bcks, wet nips.

5. Good luck pving that in cot, Wisengruber.

6. Wall-to-wall models and bottles.

7. - Get up there against the wall.
