摆用英语怎么说 摆的英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-22 19:22:56龙啸九天

摆通常被翻译为"put"意思,还经常被译作 [物] pendulum,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到81个与摆相关短语释义和例句。

摆用英语怎么说 摆的英语翻译

swing state battlegund states ( 摇摆州 )

1. if it's all... once it's in.... you can't find it!

2. - Where are you going? - Exactly!

3. - Lord, tn not away fm me.

4. We're talking about human lives

5. Guys. Guys, it's me, Ron. Fellas!

6. What does that mean? it means he doesn't care!

7. Yeah, that's heavy. Okay, listen, uh, take Bones with you. i don't need a babysitter.

8. Of cose, no pblem "Can we meet?" "i'm downstairs at yo place"

9. i'm asking you! Where are we going?

10. Fire! Come fire Come on people, ah ... ah

11. Oh, God, run for yo life!

12. We can try and see what happens.

13. Se. Come on down, bther!
