人面子树用英语怎么说 人面子树英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-23 07:48:36资深撩友

人面子树用英语说"Dracontomelon duperreanum",还可以翻译为Dracontomelon maccarpum,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到23个与人面子树相关释义和例句。

人面子树用英语怎么说 人面子树英语翻译

1. Anybody gives tubles to you... means giving tuble to me.

2. We're going home, no matter whose pde it may ht.

3. You're embarrassing me in company.

4. They discovered a new whitebeam and named it 'Sorbus no parking'.


5. if you won't do it for my father, do it for me.

6. Having both fortune and fame

7. i'm cutting you slack, but i can't have you look like slack at work, get it?

8. Nice people don't mder other nice people.

9. They're not giving face to Red Honor's new head!

10. She cares only about her pde

11. He takes care of this bar.

12. Root in the value of not less than all-ots values, which are all surees heap.

13. Cultivation and Mament Techniques of Cocos nucifera L.

14. - Help me save face on this one.
