bonuses是什么意思 bonuses的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-23 11:34:36凡儿

bonuses是什么意思 bonuses的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义: bonuses 是指额外的奖金或奖励,通常是在某项工作或业绩完成后,由公司或上级颁发的奖励。

2. 组成: bonuses 这个单词由两个部分组成,即 bonus 和 es。Bonus 意为奖金,es 是其复数形式。

3. 用途: bonuses 主要用于奖励员工或鼓励销售,可以提高员工的士气和工作动力。


1. She received a bonus for excellent performance at work. (她因业绩卓越而获得了一个奖金。)

2. The company offers bonuses to employees who meet their targets. (该公司向达成目标的员工提供奖金。)

3. He was disappointed when he found out that his bonus had been cut. (他发现他的奖金被削减了,感到非常失望。)

4. The bonuses for this quarter will be paid out next month. (本季度的奖金将于下个月发放。)

5. Sales representatives receive bonuses based on the number of products they sell. (销售代表根据他们销售的产品数量获得奖金。)





1. Employees who meet their sales targets will receive bonuses at the end of the quarter. (达成销售目标的员工将在本季度末获得奖金。)

2. The company distributed bonuses to all its staff as a reward for their hard work. (公司给所有员工分发奖金,以表彰他们的辛勤工作。)

3. The shareholders approved the payment of a bonus to the company's executives. (股东批准向公司高管支付红利。)

4. The company's profits have increased, so shareholders can expect to receive higher bonuses this year. (公司利润增加,因此股东可以期待今年获得更高的红利。)
