dhw是什么意思 dhw的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-07-23 14:26:36风の沙ǒ

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dhw是什么意思 dhw的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:dng hu wi


1. 我们需要一个dhw系统,确保我们在寒冷的天气里有足够的热水。

Translation: We need a DHW system to ensure that we have enough hot water during cold weather.

2. 这个公寓的dhw系统需要维修,因为热水不再流畅。

Translation: The DHW system in this apartment needs to be repaired as hot water is no longer flowing properly.




例句:DH: Well, it's slightly different than Berkeley. (唐纳德•霍夫曼:唔, 我的观点与贝克莱略有不同。)


例句:DH: Will someone please throw a small farm animal up onto the stage? (DH:有人可以扔个农场的小动物 到台上来吗? )


例句:Devoiced and voiced w- in where and so forth coexisted for a long time. (清音的w和在单词where等词中浊音的w共存了一段时间。)


1. Devoiced and voiced w- in where and so forth coexisted for a long time. (翻译:清音的w和在单词where等词中浊音的w共存了一段时间。)

2. W: Thank you. That way, PLS. (翻译:W:谢谢,请您走那边。)

3. W: Certainly I will, Mr. Robbins. (翻译:W:我会的,罗宾斯先生。)

4. Whitney, w... what is this? (翻译:! Whitney, w... what is this?)

5. DH: Where, Barry? Where? Tell us, Barry. (翻译:哪里,Barry,哪里?告诉我们想买,Barry。)

6. 'W-w-what?' he stammered. (翻译:“什…什…什么?”他结巴着说。)

7. DH: May we have our jumping music please? (Silence) May we have it a bit louder? (翻译:DH:可以放我们的音乐吗? 可以大点声吗? )

8. The dominant toughing mechanisms of the composites are the blocking and bridging cracks of W particles. (翻译:主要韧化机制为W颗粒阻碍裂纹扩展和W颗粒的桥连作用。)

9. W-W-Wait. We don't have a name. (翻译:等等 我们没有她的名字 也许我们需要帮助)

10. Shift 50w high speed and 30w gentle speed selection. (翻译:切换式50 W高频速度及30 W柔和速度以供选择。)

11. DH: It's not that difficult, we just don't like to practice that much. (翻译:DH:其实没那么难,我们只是不喜欢练习太久。)

12. Didn't you used to have two... w...w...? (翻译:你以前不是有两颗... 痣... 痣...)

13. Prisoner number 27609, Brennick, John, W. (翻译:囚犯号: 27609,布兰尼克约翰W.)

14. Woman # 3: Or an "M" and a "W". Man: An "M" and a "W", exactly. (翻译:女士3:或者“M”和“W”。男士:“M”和“W”,没错。)

15. W-W-Would that be a more, uh, suitable environment? (翻译:WW -请问这是一个比较,呃,适宜的环境?)
