超市营销用英语怎么说 超市营销英语翻译

生活学习2023-07-23 20:24:35恰上心头


超市营销用英语怎么说 超市营销英语翻译

1. Think about the way food is ed...

2. Finally, the thor lodge the media ing should pmote fm the ing ll upto the social ing ll.

3. Jackson Supers, you know, out on the island.

4. She works in a super.

5. Okay, er to er, you're not 21,

6. i walked into the super.

7. - i'm going to the super.

8. Chapter 2 intduces related ing theory, including ing envinment theory, STP theory, and ing mix theory.


9. i haven't done the errands.

10. i went to the store, you know.

11. OK, OK, let's go. This is it.

12. Accordingto the Amecan Marketing Association, green ing is the ing of pducts that are presumed to be envinmentally safe.


13. A city of barracks is the work centre.
